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Tell Her You Love Her Too


"Please father, I have to say goodbye to him, I care for him so much." I say as I grab my coat." "Ivy, you're only ten, I know you care for the boy but it's not like you can't keep in touch with him after we move." I hear my father say as he starts to pack up the car. After today, I'll be in a new school, a school for me to keep up with my arts. But that just means I'll be leaving him. "Please father, let me say goodbye to him." I say and bag. For a while, he just looks at me then, he gives me a sigh and nods, "Alright, you're right, go say goodbye, be fast though okay my pet?" I hear my father say by calling me my nickname. I smile and kiss him on cheek before I fun out the door. I run as fast as I can to his house, I can't be late. I keep running, I was close by I know, and I can feel my father's eyes on me, waiting for me, watching me. But I can't blame him; I know his worried after everything that's happened.

That's when I saw him, in our spot, the spot we wait for the bus together, where we shared a soda together, and where he told me he liked me. "Sebastian!" I yell and wave my hand in the air to get his attention. I see him turn his head, his short black hair waving in the wind, his dark green eyes shining for me.

Finally, I see his smile, the smile I always fall for. "Ivy!" he says and starts to run to me until we meet in the middle, where stood a tall tree, older then both of us combined, we wrote our initials on. I quickly go into his arm as he pulls me close and hugs me. "Ivy..." He whispers as he buries his head into my hair. I feel tears going into my eyes, "I... I had to see you one last time before I got taken away." I say as he pulls away. I look up at him, I like that he was taller than me, that when he pulls me in for a hug, I can hear his heartbeat. "Do you have to go Ivy?" He asks his voice breaking. I can tell his trying to be strong just like I am but I know soon, we'll both break.

I nod my head slowly, "Yes, I wish I didn't have to but... my father is making me leave." I lower my head and see a tear drop, "After mom died he... he can't stand this place." I say. "Ivy..." I hear as I feel someone making my head move, making me look up. "You... You can't go." He says and I see the tears go into his eyes. I do a small smile, "But I have to Sebastian." I say. Before he could say anything, I hear a car horn. I look behind me to see my father's car. "Ivy, we must go. It's time." My father says and I can tell he is upset also. He never had a problem with Sebastian, but just that fact that Sebastian's mom and my mother were best friends, makes it hard to look at him, knowing she was the last one to see my mother alive.

I look back at Sebastian and grab his hands, "I know we're young, but I've known you since we were babies, but I need you to promise me something." I say. "Anything Ivy." I sniffle, "Promise me, you'll never change. That'll always stay just like this. Stay as this Sebastian I know." I say. I see him give me a confusing look then he tilts his head and smiles, "I promise I will never change Ivy." He says and kisses my hands. I can't stop myself form blushing. But it stops right when I hear another car horn. "Ivy, please my pet." I hear my father say. I turn to him to see sadness in his eyes. I turn back to Sebastian, I quickly kiss him on the cheek, "Good bye Sebastian." I say and let go of his hands and run to the car.

I feel the car door close behind me and I look back at Sebastian, he was standing there, his hand on the tree. I feel the car start to drive off, Sebastian moving farther away from me. But then I see him pushes off the tree and starts to run after our car. I roll down the window and stick my head out, "Sebastian! I love you!" I yell. This makes him stop in the middle of the road, his hand in a fist and his head looking at the ground. I feel my breathe leave as I put my head back in the car and sit back. "He... He didn't say it back... He didn't even look at me." I say and feel tears go into my lap. "My pet, you're only ten, you don't know what love is yet." My father says as he keeps driving. "You said you loved mom when you were my age." I say not looking up, but I see him tighten his fist on the steering wheel. "Ivy..." I hear him say but I just put my headphone in and look out the window, waiting on my new home.

Hey guys! This is my new Story! I hope you like it! I know it's not Jelsa but I really wanted to try something new, and I'm fine if you guys get mad at me or don't like it. I really had fun writing it. And I have some great ideas for this story. Don't worry I am still working on my other stories; I just have some writers block on them right now. But I'll keep working on them once I can get past it. I think I need my inspiration to be home. Anyways, this cover is not staying, my wonderful snowflake is working on one for me so until she is all done, and I'm using this one. Don't worry I promise I'll use yours. I really hope you guys like it. Leave me some comments maybe some votes if you like. You know I like to hear from you guys! Sorry for my grammar and spelling!!! Till next time guys!


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