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Yes, no, and plans
Sarah's P. O. V.

I woke up the next day just in time to get ready for my meet up with Niall. I grabbed a granola bar to eat as I walked around the block to the water fountain.

Niall stood there nervously fidgeting with his hands. When he saw me he had a nervous look on his face but quickly covered it up with a smile. When I got closer, I stuck out my hand for him to take. He did, but shakily. I rubbed small circles on his hand with my thumb in an attempt to calm him down.

"So what did you want to ask me?" I asked him as we now sat on the banks of the secluded creek. I had discovered this place a few years ago and only showed it to a few people. It was my private place to go to think or calm down.

"Ok... well... Um..." He stuttered nervously. "I really like you Sarah." He began and I smiled widely. "So I was wondering if maybe... you'd like to go out with me?" He asked softly.

"Of course Niall. I'd love to." I said remembering the decision I had made last night.

"Really?" He asked with the largest smile on his face. I shook my head yes with a wide grin and he pulled me into another Horan hug. Did I mention how much I love those?

We sat there talking about random little things for a while until we both noticed that we were hungry.  We walked back to my apartment and decided to make shrimp scampi. I put on a pot of water to boil for the pasta and then sat down at the island to help Niall peel the shrimp.

After about five or six I threw I threw the peels at him and hit his shoulder.  He threw one back at me. We continued throwing shrimp peels at each other and laughing until one hit me in the eye.

He immediately got up and rushed over to me and said, "oh my gosh baby! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!"

"Yeah I'm fine. Calm down." I laughed getting up to add the pasta to the water.

He came up behind me, hugged me, put his chin on my shoulder and asked in my ear, "are you sure?"

"Yes. Positive." I said turning around and putting my hands on his chest (not like that pervs!) "Now can you hand me the shrimp?" I asked smiling.

"Ugh. Fine." He said jokingly as he turned around to get them off the island.

"Thank you!" I said now putting them in the pan to cook.

"Honey, I'm home!" I hear Ashlee call as she walked through the door earning a laugh from Niall and me and a deeper voice who I assumed was Harry.

My assumptions were proven correct as he then walked into the kitchen with Ashlee. Smiling when he saw Niall and I finishing the food. "Finally asked her out? Good job mate." He said patting Niall on the back. Niall just smiled and I shook my head yes.

"Oh! Food!" Ashlee said like a 7 year old.

"Yes. Food. Good thing I make extra incase you two showed up." I laughed.

As we all sat down to eat, Ashlee asked, "would you like to go swimming with us tomorrow?" excitedly.

"I'd love to!" Niall and I said at the same time then laughed.

We talked a little bit more then decided to watch a movie. I really wasn't paying attention to the movie though. I spent most of the time trying to annoy Niall while being cuddled up in his arms.

Eventually it was late and us girls got tired. So the boys went back to their hotel and we went up to our rooms.

I remembered I still needed to text Riker back with my answer of no but decided that I would do it tomorrow morning. With that I fell asleep.
Ok well there was chapter 9! From now on there will probably be one update during the week and one on the weekend. I went back to school today. Ugh. I'll try to write throughout the week though. There will just be two updates a week instead of the eight I did last week. Hope you all survive school! Thanks for reading!

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