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The Next Day
I woke up the next day extremely happy. I rolled over in my bed and check my phone. I had a message from Niall😍💖🇮🇪: Good morning beautiful. I had lots of fun talking to you last night.

Awwwwwww he is so sweet. I replied with, "Awwww Niall! You're so sweet and I had lots of fun talking to you too!"

I put my phone down next to me and got ready for my day. I was going to go see a movie with Ashlee. I walked across the hall and into her apartment. We never knocked. We knew who it was.

"Hey girl! Are you ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yeah just give me a minute!" I heard from her room.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I flipped through random channels until I found one talking about One Direction.

"This just in! One Direction is going to be staying in Atlanta for a month- long mini break!" The reporter lady said.

Just then Ashlee came into the room. "Ahhhhhh! Omg we have to go visit them!!" She yelled.

"I know! I was just thinking the same thing." I said "I'm going to text Niall and ask him if he and the other boys want to see the movie with us!" I told Ashlee. She nodded her head and watched something else on the tv.

Text Convo: Niall😍💖🇮🇪/ Me

OMG are you staying in Atlanta for a month?!

I got a quickly reply back.

Yeah! I was just about to see if you girls wanted to come hang out with us!

I was just about to ask if you want to see a movie with Ashlee and I?

That would be great!

Ok! We'll be at my apartment. #525 Star Apartments.

Ok! We'll pick you girls up in 20 minutes! I can't wait! Bye Love!


"Ashlee!!!!" I screeched. She shot her head around and looked at me.

"Yes?" She said.

"We're going to see a movie with One Direction and more importantly Niall Horan and Harry Styles!" I said jumping up and down.

"Ahhhhh!! That's so awesome!!" She replied.

"Yeah! They're picking us up in 20 minutes! Let's go back to my place to get ready!" I told her.

We spent the next 20 minutes getting ready and trying to calm down. I heard a knock at the door. Suddenly all the 20 minutes I spent calming myself down went out the window. Here come the nerves and excitement again.....

I walked to the front door and opened it. "Hi Niall, hi boys!" I greeted them. Ashlee came up behind me.

"Hi Harry!" She said excitedly. Real smooth Ashlee. He definitely has no clue you like him.

"Hi Love!" Harry replied. Oh. Maybe he likes her too. I'll have to set them up later.... I need to figure out if Niall likes me.

"Alright lovebirds. Let's get moving." Liam said to Ashlee, Harry, Niall, and I. Hmm. Did the boys tell him something we don't know?

"Alright Daddy Direction. We're coming." Ashlee said.

Louis looked at her and laughed after she said that. "I like this girl." He said to no one in particular. We all chuckled. We all walked to their car.
--at the movies--
We were waiting in line to get our snacks for the movie. Niall came up behind be and gave me a hug. His hugs seriously are the best. "Do you want any snacks love?" I didn't really want anything but I was just waiting with the rest of the group.

"Not really. I was just waiting here with everyone else." I told him.

"Ok. How about we go into the theater and wait for everyone else in there?" He suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I replied. We told the others what we were doing and they just responded with simple "ok" and we went inside.

--after the movie--

"Oh my gosh. That movie was so good!"  Louis screamed running out of the theater.

"Calm down Loius!" Liam scolded.

"Fine Daddy Direction!" Louis laughed.

"Would everyone stop calling me that?!" Liam exclaimed.

"Why do you not like it? It's a compliment." I told him. "My friends always called me 'Mama bear' back in middle school."  They all laughed.

We all got in the car and they dropped Ashlee and I off at my apartment after we thanked them for an awesome time. When we walked inside my place I pulled out my phone and checked Instagram. I had post notifications from all of R5. They must have made an announcement I missed. I checked it and saw TOUR DATES!!

"Ashlee!!!!!!" I screamed. "R5 is coming to Atlanta on tour in a week!!!!! You have to come with me!"

After much convincing I got her to come with me. I got us front row tickets! I was so excited.

The next week leading up to the concert was crazy.  I quizzed her on R5 trivia and told her random facts like she did to me before the One Direction concert.

The day of the concert went by so slow. We got there early and they came out of their bus and Riker came right over to me. Did I tell you he was my favorite? Well he is. He's so adorable and smart and loves to laugh.

He gave me a hug and continued over to other fans. I looked over at Ashlee and she was texting someone. I leaned over her shoulder and saw that it was Harry. Figures.

I wonder where Niall is? Stop it Sarah. You're here for an R5 concert. Don't worry about him. The doors soon opened and we were let inside.

So that's part 4! What did you think? Sorry it wasn't up yesterday. I had a bit of trouble getting the right ideas. Five should be up later today. Thanks for reading!

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