I got a new kitten!!!!!

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Hey this isn't a update but I just got a new kitten. She is 11 weeks old and her name was Gracie but I change It to hazel because of her eyes

What u think of her?

And my family only got her for $30

She is so cute and I love playing with her.

Oh and today because she could only stay in my room because my mom haven't toke out the mouse traps yet and she almost her head got stuck to my closet door because my closet door don't close all the way and she wanted to go in there but she can't because I don't want her to get hurt if there's something in their thay could hurt her

But my brother is going to take her in his room when it's my time to go to bed so my mom can see her without waking me up

I could say more but I don't know if u guys want to hear but if u have questions about her u can asked me on the comments or message/inbox me

Until later!!!

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