Chapter 14

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Ruby pov:

"What are u going here" I whispered

"What I can't vist my niece and nephew?" Uncle Matthew or matty that's my nick name for him came in and shut the door and out his bags down and smile at me and spread out his arm

"Uncle matty" I squealed and run to him for a hug

"I missed u so much Roo and u growed so much this past 3 years" he said when we let go

It been 3 years since I sow him we call eachother sometimes but he gets busy at his job he's a cop and then I get busy from school and my 2 jobs. He doesn't know about my dad or that I have 2 jobs and pay the bills and take care of my siblings because I know that is I tell him he would want to take us in but I don't want him to I can't let him do that it be too much for him

"I missed u to how u been" I sad smiled

"I'm don't better how are u" he sad smiled to but then put a happy smile

"I'm fine" but honestly I'm not but I am going to say that

"Wait aren't u opposed it be at school?" He gave me a confused look

"Yes but Rosie and Rocky are sick u I stayed with them"

"That's sweet of you but couldn't ur dad can of them?"

"No because he works a lot" I lied

"Oh ok do u know when he's coming home" I shake my head and he nods

"Well if u want to see rose and rock u can see them" he nods but he looks like he's in deep thought "oh and to make sure u are fine that u might get sick" he nods again

I walk up the stairs and he follows me. I walk in Rockys room first

"Hey looks whos here" We came inside and Rocky looks at us and he jumps out of bed and almost fell down

"Hey little guy" Matty smile and hugs him

"Uncle matt when did u came" rocky said when they pulled apart

"Just now I be here for a few days or maybe a week I'm not sure yet" Rocky went back to his bed and Matty grab a chair and sar by him

"I am going to get Rosie" they nod and began to talk. I walk out and go in Rosie room

"Hey someone here and want to see u but u have to got in Rocky room" she nod and put her arms up

"Can u carry me please" she gave me her puppy eyes I nod and she smiles. I pick u up and we fo to rockys room

"Uncle matt" she jumps out of my arms and runs to matt and hugs him

"Hey little girl" matt laughs and puts her on her lap I just stay at the door

"How are u too" he asks them

"Sick" they both replied and they talk to eachother. I just left because I was feeling left out but they haven't seen eachother for 3 years so I understand. I walk in my room and fell on my bed and I decided to take a nap because I am tired

I woke up and look at my clock and see it's 1:57. I sat up from my bed yawn and I rub my eyes. I got up from my bed and walk in Rockys room and I don't see them then I heard noises downstairs and they have to be downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see them make something

"Hey guys what u making" I said and sat down In a chair by the counter

"We're making cookies what to help" Matty sad while he was stirring something in a bowl and rose and rocky are putting the cookie cutters on the counter

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