Chapter 1

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Ruby pov:

"Today is Saturday!!!" One of my best friend Lizzy yelled when she came through my front door and to the living room.She doesn't live far away from me only like 2 blocks so I'm guessing she walked here.

"I know I am getting ready now"I said and getting off the couch and going upstairs to my room with my puppy Fluffy in my hand. I also have a kitten named Snow but I think she is sleeping on my bed and they don't fight each other they actually like each other 

Today is a Saturday so me and 3 others of my best friends; Carter,Rebecca but her nickname is Becky, and Peter are in a band called Captured.Lizzy isn't in the band because she says "I don't like singing in front of people". We perform at a cafe called "Toms Coffee." We perform there but we practice at my house because I have a lot of room.

"Let me help you pick out clothes "Lizzy yelled from behind me and running past me and to my room.

"Ok but don't wake up snow if she is sleeping on my bed"After I said that fluffy bark he agrees with me

"Ok" She yelled

"What about this"She asked when I just sat down on my bed.Also I was right that Snow is sleeping on my bed.I let go of fluffy and he went by her and laid next to her,Me and lizzy awwed at that they are so adorable together!!!! After that I looked at what lizzy picked out. She pick a baby blue dress that goes to the knees and black tights and black wedges for shoes.

"Yes thats perfect for tonight"

"Yay!! Now go put it on you need to get ready"she said and getting me off the bed and giving me the clothes and pushing me to the bathroom thats in my room.

"I have a lot of time to get ready it's only 4:30 and I need to be there at 6:10" Sometimes she can be pushy.I have to be at the cafe at 6:10 for rehearsal but we don't start until 7:30, It only takes about 30mins to get there if there's no traffic but If their is traffic then about maybe 40 or 50 mins.

"I don't care I want to be early and I don't have a car right now so you have to drive me today.Now get ready"

"Ok Ok pushy I'm going " I said and going to the bathroom and closing the door.Lizzy had a car but it broke down last month.Now me or Carter (her twin brother),Peter,or Becky have to drive her to places.

"You really need to get another car"I said when I got out of my bathroom and have my shoes in my hand and I went to sit on my bed to put on them on

"I know"she sighs"but I don't have money to buy one and my parents won't buy me a another car because they want me to be responsible and save up money for one" Her parents are strict when it come to responsibility and have an early start at saving money.Her parents only bought her and brother one car and if they brake it they have to fix it or buy a new one.

"How much money you have now?" Me and lizzy both work at a cheesecake diner.I also know that lizzy is super bad at saving money because she loves to shop.

"Nothing you know it's hard for me to save because I love going shopping"she yells at the end "and you know how to save because your responsible you need to teach me how to save" she whined at the end

"No you need to learn how to by yourself but I can give you advice
Like giving money to your friends or parents to save it for you or you can cut down on shopping"

"ME CUTTING DOWN ON SHOPPING" She yells I knew she was going to say that but didn't think she yell it Because she yelled she woke up Fluffy and Snow but they just look up and then went back to sleep."Lazy pets "I thought

"Yes it's not that hard you know" she doesn't even try cutting down on shopping so she doesn't know if she can.But also I had to grow up fast to take care of my siblings she didn't have to grow up fast.

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