Chapter 18

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(Chris' p.o.v.)

"What are you doing here?" Rihanna asked as she stared at the wall. Her voice was raspy and her skin was really pale. I could tell she was hating being so confined but it was what was best for her and our kid. "I-I came to check on you and the baby." "Oh, really? So you waited a whole month to show that you cared? Nigga please. I don't know what I ever seen in you to bring myself to a point where I'd put myself in danger just to get your attention. Such a fuckin' man whore." She said with pure hate and it hit me hard below the belt. I felt absolutely terrible for everything at this point and was at a loss for words. "Look, I-" "Save it." She said as she pressed a button against the wall. A few seconds later two nurses came inside the room with concerned faces. "Is everything okay?" One of the nurses asked, with a look of terror. I guess she knew what Ri was capable of. "Everything's fine, I just need him out of here." At that point, I just got up and left. I didn't want anyone to think I was trying to hurt her and never allow me to come back. I'd definitely be back up here though and next time I plan on leaving with her being my girlfriend again. I had to break the news to Chelsey. It'll be tough, but it has to be done.

(Rihanna's p.o.v.)

As soon as they informed me Chris was my visitor, I decided to try out a plan I'd been working on since I came to this hell hole and I think it actually worked.

Yup, he'd be mine in no time.

(Phyllicia's p.o.v.)

"It'll be two lines if you're pregnant, Ci." Chelsey informed me as I started to calm down a little. I'd bought a take at home pregnancy test and as soon as the pee hit the stick, a bold red line appeared. I stared at it, waiting for it to move past the "t" line which would determine my pregnancy. "Ahh shit." I heard Chelsey say above me as the second line showed up light pink and then got just as bold and red as the first line. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes started to burn with tears. This couldn't have been happening. Not to me. "What the fuck, man." I said as I buried my face into my hands and started to cry. I was a fucking senior in high school and pregnant. "Oh, hell no. Shut that shit up. You wasn't crying when you was being fast." I looked up and only seen half of Chelsey's face due to her six month pregnant stomach being in the way. She was right but I didn't know what else to do. Michael had been working on a new album and was barely around. I couldn't let him know I was pregnant. I got up and walked out of the bathroom to an equally upset older brother. He'd been sulking around for an entire month, forgetting he had a pregnant girlfriend to tend to but it didn't seem to bother Chelsey like I thought it would or even should. She walked out in time to see him slam his bedroom door shut so I decided to look at her expression and try to read her emotions. She looked hurt, but understanding as to why he was acting like that. She said she was going home so I hugged her, let her out, and busted in Chris' room. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked as I leaned on the frame of his door way as he poured and looked at the ceiling. "Rihanna, man. I feel so guilty about everything that happened. Like it's my fault." I shifted my weight, not fully understanding what the problem was. "First off, you damn right it's your fault. You played with both of them for the past year and you got them both pregnant. How stupid can you be? Secondly, if Chyna's baby wasn't Michael's, I'm sure hers isn't yours either." He just looked at me, soaking in the words that I'd said. "You're probably right. Let me go check on Chelsey." He said as he got up and began to put his clothes back on. I just stood there and watched him, trying to figure out his expression. He kissed my cheek and walked out of the door while I continued to stand there, remembering the results of that pregnancy test and what my next move was going to be. A few moments later, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out to see an incoming call from Michael. I silenced it and put it back in my pocket. I just couldn't face him right now.

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