Chapter 15

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Christmas Day

My mom, my dad, Chris, and I were finished opening our presents from each other before the guests began to come bring their gifts as well. Michael came over and we exchanged gifts and Chris did the same with Chelsey.

We sat down to watch each other open our gifts. Chelsey started bouncing her leg really hard as Chris carefully opened up the gift bag she'd given him. She was either antsy because he was taking too long, or she'd put something in that bag that was going to let Chris know he was about to be a dad.

He pulled out the neutral colored onesies and just stared at them intently. After about five minutes, he got up and sat next to Chelsey, embracing her in his arms and kissing her forehead. He let her go with one hand and rubbed her stomach.

"It's going to be alright. Just me, you, and our unborn child."


A few hours later Robyn arrived with her gift for the family and I couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong. She stared at Chelsey the entire time who'd changed into a tank top because she was hot from the sweat shirt she'd had on previously to hide the bump. Now that there was no reason to hide it anymore, she wanted to show it off but Robyn didn't look too happy about it.

It seemed as though she already knew it was Chris' baby but didn't want to say anything. She handed a nonchalant Chris his gift and he took his sweet time opening it. He pulled out baby bottles, bibs, sippy cups, and pacifiers and just sat there looking in disbelief.

"You're pregnant?" He asked her five minutes after he opened the gift.

I could tell that it wasn't what he wanted and I felt bad for Robyn. Chris didn't know what path he wanted to be on in life or with who so it was stressful for all three of them.

"Yes, I'm five months, Chris and we're having a boy."

That made me glance down and see if she was showing or not and to supposedly be five months, she was small with just a little more than a gut but then again everyone is different. He buried his head in his hands and rubbed it with frustration written all over his face. I couldn't feel sorry for him though, just for the simple fact that he got himself into this and there was no one else that he could blame.

"Why didn't you tell me before now?"

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise and I felt like you'd be happy but I guess you're not."

"I'm happy its just that, I just found out I'm having two children and I plan on taking care of the both of them. And I'm sorry, Robyn, but I've done Chelsey wrong time after time and I finally realized that I need to get on my shit and do what I have to do to make it up to her and our child. Don't get me wrong, I'll still be in me and your child's life but we just can't

be together anymore."

The look on her face made my eyes swell with tears. I didn't understand why he couldn't of just waited until after Christmas because this would be a day that none of us would forget.

"Y'all need to talk about this in private, Chris." My mom said to Chris.

"No, Ms. Joyce, it's okay. I was just about to leave. I'll see you in court when you're signing your rights over."

Chelsey's p.o.v.

I sat in Chris' room on my back, watching my little one wiggle around. I couldn't wait to find out what we were having but I'd been thinking about just waiting until the baby came so it could be a surprise. I didn't care what the baby was as long as it was healthy. The fact that Rihanna was pregnant too kind of disturbed me. I didn't want a repeat of the constant bullshit that Michael and Chris continuously take Ci and I through because we'd already been through enough.

Chris' phone started ringing on the night stand and I heard him groan once he picked it up and saw who was calling. "Hello?...Why are you up there?...Which one, man...Okay, I'm on the way."

He sighed and sat there for a second before telling me what was going on. "Throw some sweats on or something."

"For what?" I asked as I slipped off of the bed and opened his bottom drawer where I kept my belongings. My heart started to beat fast because I didn't know what to expect and I didn't want to stress out the baby.

"Ri said something is going wrong with the baby so we gotta see what's going on." He said while grabbing his car keys and heading out of his bedroom door. I didn't want to go but I felt that Chris was really showing me that he truly wanted us to work.

Once we got to the hospital and found out what room she was in, I started to get nervous. This was Chris' child and my child's brother or sister and despite everything Chris has done to me because of Rihanna, it still wouldn't be fair for something to happen to their child.

Once Chris stepped in the room, Rihanna's face lit up but once she saw that I was right behind him it didn't sit too well with her. I spoke to her and sat down, ignoring the fact that she didn't bother to open her mouth to speak back to me.

"What's going on with the baby?" She started being a drama queen and starts to cry. I didn't know whether I should believe this bitch or not and I was starting to not care about whatever she had going on. I was beginning to feel that this was a pathetic attempt to get Chris to talk back to her but the fact that he brought me up here with him should've told her a lot.

"They're putting me on high risk pregnancy because I've gotten too stressed out."

"What are you stressed from?"

"The fact that you're abandoning me for Chelsey. I want us to be a family, not her."

I pretended not to hear her since she was trying her best to whisper and I wasn't about to go ape shit in this hospital while I was pregnant. I also felt that she wanted that to happen but I wasn't about to let her win so I continued to play temple run like they weren't even there. I heard Chris shuffle then I felt his eyes on me. I know he was waiting for me to snap but it wasn't going to happen. A few seconds later, I heard him turn back around and continued his conversation with her.

"I'm going to be here for you and our child no matter what but a relationship with you and I won't be happening."

I heard her suck her teeth before getting pissed off.

"Get the fuck out." I turned to look at her and saw that she had this huge mean mug on her face with her arms folded. Chris shrugged his shoulders and began to walk out of the room. I got up and was shaking my head at the way she just acted. I guess Chris was serious about us after all.

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