Chapter 17

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[A Month Later]

(Chelsey's p.o.v.)

"Barbados singer, Rihanna tried to kill herself tonight by slitting her wrists. She was found passed out by her label mate, J. Cole who then rushed her to St. Vincent's hospital where she is being stabilized and will later be transported to Sacramento County Mental Health and Treatment Center for further information. The singer is reportedly six months pregnant but no information on the health of the baby has been released."

I stared at the tv screen for at least ten minutes before I could comprehend what I'd just watched. I looked over at Chris who was also in shock then quickly got up to head out of the door with me right on his heels. Once we got to the hospital, there were so many reporters trying to get inside and see what was going on and because of that, the hospital security wasn't going to let anyone in. That was until Chris exclaimed that it was his child and that made the reporters go insane. "Are you the reason she tried to kill herself?" "How long have you known about that baby?" "Do you know what she's having?" Question after question poured out of these thirsty ass people's mouths but Chris continued to bum rush his way through them and inside of the hospital. Since I wasn't related to her and had no ties to her, I wasn't allowed to go inside so the reporters started to ask me questions as I began to walk away. "Are you his girlfriend?" "Is he the father of your child, too?" "How far along are you?" I could hear them asking all of these questions as I ran to the car and they were right on my feels. Once I got inside, they surrounded the car still asking questions. I didn't know if I could handle all of the drama that was beginning to occur. I needed to find a way out of this.


(Phyllicia's p.o.v.)

"Chyna just went into labor." Michael informed me as we laid in my bed watching movies. I didn't give a damn about Chyna or that baby but I couldn't tell Michael that. "So, why are you still here?" "I'ma head up there in a minute. I'm nervous as hell." "Don't be." I said and he replied with a deep sigh. He got up to put his clothes and shoes on, kissed my cheek, and left for the birth of the baby. I slid out of my bed, picked out a black, red, white, and navy blue button up quarter sleeve shirt, some black jeggings, socks, underwear, and bra, then pulled out my black, red, and white chucks, and headed for the shower. I decided to spend a little time with Romeo for the weekend since he was home visiting. ---- We were sitting in his living room watching tv and I started to doze off. Next thing I know, I'm being woken up out of my sleep and my eyes opened to see a very angry Romeo. "Now I know that I was one of the main people wanting you and Michael to be friends again but if you're trying to work on something with me, why the fuck are you telling Michael that you love him?" I looked at him and instantly got irritated. Who did he think he was to be looking at my phone and having the nerve to question me about it? "Why the hell were you going through my phone in the first place?" "You worried about the wrong thing." "Who the fuck are you talking to?" By this time, we were standing up in each others faces going toe to toe. "You, nigga. I don't owe you any explanations." I said as I started to grab my belongings and headed out of the door. "You ain't goin' nowhere." Romeo said to me as he grabbed my arm. I tried snatching away from him but his grip was too tight so I reacted with my first extinct. I swung on him with my free hand and he swung back with his. He hit me so hard that I thought that my eyeball fell out of my eye. It instantly started to swell and close. I just stood there looking at him as his chest heaved up and down heavily from him trying to calm down and catch his breath. He had no remorse for what he did and he wasn't trying to apologize either. "I heard you two yelling and then something that sounded like a hit. Are y'all okay?" His mom asked us as she entered the family room. I turned to look at her and she gasped at my face then immediately went to get me something to put on it. I wasn't worried about that though I was trying to get my ass home. I ran out of the house as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face. I jumped in my car, started it, and took off all in the same second, then pulled my phone out to call Chelsey. "Where are you?" "Riding around, making sure I've gotten rid of all of these damn news reporters." "News reporters? Never mind. Meet me at the runyon so we can talk." "On the way." I pulled up to the runyon a few seconds before Chelsey then got out to get into her car. She looked stressed out and tired so I began to worry about her and the baby and the first thing I thought that could be the problem was Chris. "Rihanna tried to kill herself." She blurted out. I snapped my head towards her. "Oh my God, Ci! What the fuck happened to your eye?" "Romeo punched me." At this point, Chelsey started to cry hysterically causing me to start back crying as well. I hated seeing her like this and it was breaking my heart because it seemed like nothing good ever happened with us and we were tired of that. "It's ok, Chelsey, I'm fine. You don't need to stress because I don't want anything to happen to the baby." "I know I just can't believe that all of this is happening at one time." "Everything will be fine, Chelsey." I said to her. Funny thing is, I didn't know if I was trying to convince her, or myself. We sat at the runyon and talked for two hours and ended up falling asleep. When I opened my eyes, well eye since my other one was swollen shut, I was in a lot of pain from the sun light. I didn't want Michael or Chris to see me with my eye looking like this so I decided to go home with Chelsey and stay for a couple of days. We found out that Rihanna and the baby were doing fine but she had to be in that mental hospital until the baby was born. They didn't want to take a risk of her doing something to the baby so she had no choice but to be monitored. It was the talk of the world and quite embarrassing for Chelsey and Chris being that they both were on the news. After two days, I ended up not having any other choice but to go home because I had to go to school. I tried my hardest to avoid Chris but he was so depressed that he didn't pay much attention to me. The problem was when Michael came over Sunday night to check on him. I had my bang over my face and by force of habit, I kept moving it, forgetting the purpose of it. I was doing a pretty good job of hurrying up and covering my eye once I would move the bang but I guess Michael caught me trying to hide my eye and ended up seeing it. It wasn't as bad as it had been, but there was still a little bruising. Michael got up and slapped my bang to the side and got a good glimpse of my eye. The vain in the middle of his forehead bulged out so hard that I thought it was going to erupt. His jaw clenched and his fists were next. I just sat there, knowing this wasn't about to end pretty. "Did you learn from your mistake, yet?" Michael asked, looking dead at me and scaring me a little. He stood up straight and began walking to the door. I knew what was about to happen and I was scared as hell.


(Michael's p.o.v.) So this nigga thinks he can just put his hands on people when he feels like it, though? Got somethin' for that bitch nigga. I drove all the way out to his campus determined to find his bitch ass. It wasn't that hard once people saw me and busted they ass to find out for me just so they could get a picture and autograph. I knocked on this nigga's door like I was the police so when he opened it, he had a li'l attitude like I was supposed to give a fuck. "Man who the fuck-" He stopped in mid sentence when he realized who I was. This nigga knew not to fuck with me and he knew what happened last time. I didn't even say nothin', I just punched that nigga in his shit and he went stumbling all the way to a hallway in his dorm. I heard a girl scream, then a baby started crying. The girl flew abound the corner from the bedroom and kneeled down next to him. I looked at the girl and damn near went into cardiac arrest. "Chyna?" She looked up and looked like she was about to shit bricks. I walked inside of the dorm confused as fuck as to why she was here. "Uhh. Hey, Michael." "Don't 'uh hey, Michael' me. What the fuck you doin' here?" "Uh. Please don't be mad. But Romeo, he's King's real father." At this point I damn near blacked out. I walked over and grabbed her by them long ass ugly tracks she be rockin' and was about to hit her when I realized I'd be put in that same category as Romeo and that was not about to happen. I just turned around and walked out leaving them looking stupid. I couldn't even say that I was upset because the only reason I was with Chyna was because of the baby but since that li'l nigga ain't mine, I'm free. Now all I have to do is get Ci to admit to me that she is pregnant and we can finally be together.

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