"I can see on your eyes that you like me too, plus you stared too long at my underwear" I laughed by her observation.

"Let's be the kind of friends that benefits each other" she looked so serious as if she's proposing something to a business partner.

I crossed my arms and thought for a while. I'm a normal person and I need to get laid, I thought these kind of indecent proposal happens only to older men.

"You're eighteen and I'm twenty one hmmmm, I like your bluntness" I paused and gazed at her cleavage.

"Okay sure, I'll accept your proposal but please, don't fall in love with me" I said smirking. She chuckled lightly.

"Oh trust me I won't" she said before giving me a peck on my lips.

"I'm glad I got lost earlier" I said before pulling her closer again for a kiss.


We're in the dining area eating dinner when dad asked me about my first day of class.

"It's fine, I enrolled in tourism" I replied causally.

"What have gotten into you and you decided to just drop your master's degree? You will be taking over the company in the future" he said looking upset.

"I know but I want it, just let me enjoy this and besides it's only for two years. I'll quit once I got bored, plus I have a new friend!" I said excitedly.

"And who might that be? A girl? Well you haven't introduced me to anyone yet" he asked curiously.

Him being supportive of my sexuality is one of the reasons why I've come to love him.

"You'll meet her soon" I replied before taking a bite of my chicken.

"Are you sure that you want to marry Alessa?" I suddenly asked, changing the topic.

"Of course I do, I love her so much. What's the matter? don't you like her?" He asked curiously.

"No, I just didn't expect her to be so young, I mean I don't want you to get hurt" I explained hastily after shaking my head.

He smiled and refilled the water on my glass afterwards.

"I know what I'm doing GG, she makes me happy and she's the second person that I loved after your mother. And I know that she loves me too so don't worry" I felt a pang of hurt upon hearing what he said.

I'm not convinced that Alessa really loves him but I can't tell dad that. I just smiled in response and continued eating in silence.


I was awakened by the sound of my phone vibrating. I picked it up and frowned when an unknown number is calling. I groaned in annoyance before pressing the answering button, still half asleep.

"Who is this?"

"Wake up gorgeous" I smiled when I recognized her voice. I remember giving her my number yesterday before parting ways.

"I am now but why are you calling so early?" I asked between yawning.

"I need money dear financier, I paid my tuition fee yesterday so I'm totally broke" she really has the guts, but I like it.

"I haven't gotten anything from you yet" I argued.

"You can get anything you want later" she said seductively before chuckling softly.

I felt my body heat up, I jumped out of my bed and headed to the bathroom immediately. I don't have a uniform yet so I chose to wear a white V-neck tank top and tight black jeans, matching it with burgundy converse shoes.

I wanna look rugged today because I'm gonna go rough with Janine later, that girl is so hot and I can't wait to be melted by her.

I scooted out of the house to avoid dad from seeing me, I heard that Alessa came over to eat breakfast and I don't want to see her.

I opened my radio when I got bored from driving, I rolled my eyes  when the song When I'm with you of Faberdrive suddenly played. Of all the songs on earth, it's the song that I used to sing to Alessa.

Listening to it, brings back old memories. Back in the days where only the two of us mattered, we enjoy every little things as long as we're together.

I headed to the school park as soon as I arrived. That's where Janine and I both agreed to meet, I glanced at my clock, I'm two minutes earlier. I'm about to sit on the bench when someone hugged me from my back.

I turned around and smiled because I know that it's her. She gave me a peck on my lips and grinned.

"Where's my allowance?" she said before resting her both arms on my shoulders. She played with my neck which caused my whole body to shiver.

"Nope, my reward first" I said before pulling her closer for another kiss.

"Ginger!" I pouted when someone called my name. I'm looked passed Janine and saw Maya together with Alessa.

I gulped when I saw Alessa's outfit. A checkered mini skirt and a V-neck long sleeves exposing her cleavage, my eyes then traveled down to her long white legs. I felt myself became hot again.

They approached us with a who the hell is that girl look.

"Hi Ginger, who's she?" Maya inquired curiously. Alessa remained silent but it's obvious on her face that she also wants to know.

"Oh this is Janine, my..." I struggled on finding the right words to say.

"My new best friend" which is true, we both agreed on that.

"Janine, this is Maya and Alessa" I said flatly. Alessa's brow turned up as if what I just said is not complete.

What does she want me to say? That she's my soon to be mom? No way.

"She just kissed you a while ago, I never thought best friends can do that kind of thing" Maya joked which made me laugh.

"Trust me Maya, I've done that to my best friend six years ago" I said before glancing to Alessa. Her face turned red at the thought and Maya got what I meant immediately.

"Maya let's go, my class will start soon" Alessa said before grabbing Maya's arm. They're about to leave when I spoke.

"Why are you wearing a mini skirt?" I asked frowning. I don't want anyone looking at her beautiful legs, the thought of my dad seeing her naked kills me already.

"It's a free country and it suits me" she said challenging my frown.

"You're engaged and you're not allowed to cause attraction from others" I said sternly.

Her face retorted and was about to argue when Janine interrupted.

"Are you gonna get your reward or are you just gonna stay here and argue with them?" She said not hiding the annoyance on her voice.

"It's her body she have the rights to choose her clothes" she added before gazing at Alessa from head to toe.

"Fine" I said in surrender before pulling her to the auditorium.


My Ex-Girlfriend is my New Mom (GxG, Lesbian) •Rewriting•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon