Chapter 6: Darkness

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Trigger warning


I could hear Kevin's footsteps behind me.
"Edd please! Listen to me!"
He was right behind me now. I felt his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me!"
I couldn't outrun him. The bike was propped just at the end of the bridge. If I could get to the other sidewalk I would be able to jump on the bike and get home.

I gathered all of my strength and sped up.

Kevin POV

"Damn, when did he get so fast?!"
All of a sudden he ran into the street. He was almost to the sidewalk. I stepped into the street  determined to catch him.


A few more steps and I'd be on the sidewalk. I saw the metal of the bicycle glint.
"Almost there."

I turned around to face Kevin. I started to say something but i stopped when we locked eyes. His face had a look of sheer horror.

Kevin POV

I reached out to grab him. I knew I was too far away to reach him but I tried anyway.


There was a loud screech and a thud. I turned to look at the bridge. There was a splash followed by another.

"What the hell was that?"
I heard a car start to pull off. I dashed towards the car.
"Hey! HEY!"
I took my phone out and tried to take a picture of the car as it sped off. I quickly dialed the police and tried to explain what I had just seen.

"Is anyone hurt sir?"
"I don't know. I'm going to go check on them now." I ended the call and made my way across the bridge.

Kevin POV

There was almost no light. "Where is he?"
I strained my eyes looking for any movement. I pushed myself into the dark water and felt around for Edd.

My fingers brushed something. I grabbed at it praying that it was him. A fucking trash bag. I didn't have time to get mad. I kept feeling around for him. I knew I couldn't hold my breath much longer. "I can't leave without him. Even if he's..."

I could feel myself becoming dizzy. I tried to shake it off. "Focus Kevin!" I continued grabbing for Edd in the dark. Something brushed against my leg. I turned around and grabbed it. "A hand!"  And it was connected to a small body. I pulled the body into my chest and swam towards the surface of the water.


"Shit, where are they?!"

I scanned the lake for any movement. Kevin came up gasping for air. He was holding something black against his chest
"Kevin! What happened?!" I could tell he was struggling to catch his breath.
"The cops are on their way!"

Kevin POV

"Edd? Hey. Come on! Answer me Babe!"
Even in the dark I could tell that he was pretty beaten up. I was almost to the lake's shore. "Please don't do this to me. Try to hang on!"

I shifted him into my arms as I made my way out of the water. I placed him on the ground and quickly started CPR.


I ran towards Kevin. Edd was lying lifeless on the ground; a pool of blood was beginning to form around him.
"Nat! His arm!"
I dropped everything I was carrying and rushed to Edd's side. His left arm had a huge cut running down part of it and it was broken in at least two places. I took my shirt off and tied it around the cut hoping it would slow the bleeding.

"Edd! Come on! Breathe for me Babe!" Kevin was still pressing into Edd's chest; tears streaming down his face.

I glanced down at Edd. His black hair covered  the ground around his head like a dark halo. His pale skin clashed with the blood that covered most of his face. There was a gash across his temple and his bottom lip was split open.

"I thought you said help was coming?! Where the hell are they?!" He bent over and tried to breathe life back into Edd.

Kevin POV

I heard a small cough as I sat up.
I tried to sit him up a little as he tried to empty his lungs of the water. He started to strain for every breath.


My entire body was numb. I used all of my strength to open my eyes. There was a small pile just behind Kevin. Blue and red lights lit the ground just enough for me to make some of the items out. Our hats were lying next to each other. There was a small opened box in front of my hat. A ring had fallen out of the box and into the dirt.

"Stupid Edd..."

Kevin turned my head towards him. The red and blue lights illuminated his face.He was crying. I'd never seen him cry before. I wanted to wipe away his tears but I didn't have the strength to lift my hand. I tried to say his name. Pain shot through my head. Everything was becoming blurry.

Kevin POV

Nat jumped up and ran towards the ambulance; frantically waving his arms and shouting.

"Edd! Please don't die on me! The ambulance is here! You'll be alright! Please stay awake!"

His blue eyes locked onto mine. He smiled weakly at me. My tears fell onto his face and washed away some blood. His eyes started to lose focus. I held him close to me.

"Please... Please don't leave me Dork!"


I tried to focus on his face. He was saying something to me but I couldn't hear him. I wanted so badly to tell him it was alright. I stared into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you. I love you Kevin........"

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