Chapter 4: The Call

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I opened my eyes and saw Kevin blankly staring at me. He had a smile on his face and was in deep thought about something.

"You do realize most humans find it very unsettling to wake up to someone staring at them correct?"

He jumped and turned bright red. "H-how long have you been awake?!" I sat up and grinned. I knew I had the upper hand. "Long enough to discover that my boyfriend enjoys eerily staring at people while they sleep. It'd be a shame if the public somehow obtained this information."
"You wouldn't."
"Would you care to make a bet?"
"You can't win this one Dork."
I casually unlocked my phone and began typing. "Hmmm... What should I say? 'Don't fall asleep around Kevin. This could happen to you.' Yes, that's acceptable. Now which of these photos should I use?"
I turned my phone towards him and quickly scrolled through the photos of him staring at me.
"When the hell did you take those?!"
"A magician never reveals his secrets, Kevin." I smirked.
"Delete them."
"I apologize but I can't follow that order sir."
"And what repercussions can I expect if I don't?"
"I'll break up with you."
"I highly doubt that."
"I'm serious. I have someone else on standby."
"Fine. I doubt there is someone else. However I will delete them since you asked so nicely"
"Pfft... Whatever smartass."
"What was that Kevin?"
He turned his head and pouted "Nothing."

"Eddward- 1 Kevin- 0"

Kevin POV

I tried to maintain my pout as long as possible. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Is now a good time? It's our anniversary so maybe I'll wait until tomorrow..."
I had been neglecting him lately. Our daily phone calls had slowly turned into weekly texts. When baseball started, I stopped answering Edd's calls altogether.
I knew it hurt him but now I had all Summer to make up for it.

"Edd, I- Hey!" I turned around to see Edd crawl to the other side of the couch with my hat.
"Oh, You really know how to push my buttons."
I playfully grinned as I jumped up and cornered him on the couch. I caught his free hand and pinned it to his side.
"Give up the hat Dork."
"Are you mad at me Kevin?" He asked, giving me an innocent look.
"Yes you are. You've been ignoring me."
"I was busy with baseball."
"I meant just now. You were frowning. Are you mad that I passed out again?"
"Yeah. Furious." I bared my teeth and tried to give the angriest face I possible.
"Liar." He grinned.
He was right, I could never be mad at him.
"Give it back dork."
"Make me."
"You're really playful today. What's gotten into you?"
He frowned and stared at the floor; tears filling his eyes. "Uh oh"
"I missed you. I haven't seen or heard from you in almost three months. I guess I'm just excited to finally see you again."
"I know Babe, I've been busy lately but I'm free now. I promise you have my undivided attention."
"Swear?" He sniffed.
"I swear. Now cheer up. It's our anniversary; you're supposed to be smiling, not crying."
He sniffed again and gave me a weak smile. "I love you Kevin"
I smiled back at him. "I love you too Edd. C'mon, I'll cook you some breakfast"

Edd Pov

We spent the entire day watching movies and enjoying each other's company. I surprised Kevin with new parts for his motorcycle and he had given me a set of biographical novels I had been eyeing for almost a year.

At some point I fell asleep. I remember being woken up by Kevin pulling a blanket onto my shoulder and placing a kiss on my forehead.

Kevin POV

I listened for Edd's breathing to slow down again before opening my phone.

2 missed calls

"Damn it. I told him to wait until I called him. I'm glad the TV drowned out the the phone."

"Hey, yeah. He's asleep. Ok. I'll meet you out by the lake. Ok. Bye."
I left Edd's house and walked across the street to my bike.


I glanced at my clock.


Who was he meeting this late at night?
I heard the front door close. I peeked out of the window and saw him quickly cross the street to his house. He walked his motorcycle out of the garage but instead riding it, he continued to wheel it down the street.

"That's strange, he usually wakes the whole neighborhood when he rides. Why is he wheeling it down the street?"

He had been acting strange lately; spacing out, ignoring my calls, and now he was sneaking around meeting someone late at night. Something was wrong.

I got up and headed towards the lake.

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