xGive Me Lovex

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Guys. I went on my first officialll date earlier, and it WAS TERRIBLE. Danny and I met up wearing the same shirt, only to awkwardly walk around and play video games for four hours until he accidentally pushed me into the road and almost got me killed. And I walked him home (which is terrible, because he can drive and is two years older than me), which ended in him saying "So, you wanna go out or what?"

Guys are idiots, alright? That one date made me question my sexuality.

Ha. Kidding. Im just not dannysexual. 

Love you alllll,

Inspirational quote, cheers to Crown The Empire: 

"Don't trust the devil, bitch!"

Stay perfect,

xxx :3


I sat on the couch wearing a large, over sized sweater and my favorite black skinnies. Gabriel had put a hat on my head, and it seemed I was the only one drinking tonight. He let me drink tonight, on the terms I would stick by him the whole night.

Three hard beers later, I was laying with my head in Gabriel's lap and my legs hanging off the edge of the couch. Kira and Georgia laid underneath the Christmas tree, examining and playing with the little lights. I smiled at them, feeling an tug on my hair. 

"Gabrieel," I whined. "I don't wanna wear that. . ."

He chuckled, taking the glass bottle from my hands with a smile. "That's enough for you, I think." He put it on the table, tugging the Santa hat lower over my ears. I rolled over, burying my face in his thighs and groaning at the heat on my back.

"Why are the lights so hot?" I asked, genuinely curious.

He just ran a hand through my pale hair, resting his arm on my lower back. "I don't know, Lex," He said in feign wonder.

"Hey!" I slapped his knee in a playful way of scolding. "I'm serious."

"Babe, you need some water," Kira broke in, patting my leg and wandering out into the kitchen. 

I sighed, sitting up - not an easy task- and snuggling my head into the pillow. My vision was somewhat blurry, but it's not like  I cared anymore. "G'night," I mumbled, letting my full weight bear on his lap.

"Oh, no, we aren't going to bed yet," he laughed, pulling me up into a sitting position between his flannel-clad legs. He was spending the night, as his family was pretty much nonexistent as of 2007, but it wasn't like I minded.

I was actually coming to terms that I liked him. Me, the mental-ward graduate and hallucinatory prone girl, liked perfect-in-every-way Gabriel Hawthorne. At the same time, however, that I had decided I was falling for him, I had also come to terms that we would never work out.

Gratefully taking this opportunity, I rested the back of my head on his chest and glanced at his tanned face. The one thing that stood out, though, was the scar adorning his neck. He had yet to tell me how his father had done it, but I was almost positive he'd have to tell before the retrial.

I looked away, noticing his eyes stare down back at me. Feeling uncomfortable, I focused my attention on the television, where Rudolph the reindeer was prancing around to impress a cute clay doe.

Kira returned with a glass of water, handing it to me with a smirk. I giggled, sipping it and closing my eyes. "Cheers, babe," I said to her, clinking my glass with the air and putting it down on the table.

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