"Anything else" he looks up.

"No that's all" he gives a small nod before leaving. He seems like a talker, I snort.

When my pizza finally arrives I see that it was huge. This pizza can feed a family of 3. Either way I dig in and enjoy my dinner. I ate four pieces before I felt like I was going to blow up. Well now I know what I'm going to be eating for the next few days. I left a nice tip and went to go pay.

Walking out into the now windy New York city I felt the same feeling that I'm missing something. Sighing I step out and see a taxi coming my way. I wave my hand in the air and it comes to a stop near me. I walked to go in, but a man on his phone brushed past me opening the car door and hoping in.

"Excuse me sir I-" he shut the door. Are people here always this rude? No, not going to let this happen. I try to walk near the car, but it sped off. I hold in the scream I so wanted to yell out. I huff and stomp probably looking like an immature child.

Walking will have to do. I look through my purse for the paper with my address. Nothing. Panic starts to fill me. No, no, no, please, I need that paper, how am I going to go home if I don't have that paper! I could of used my GPS to walk there, but now I don't even know which way to go. I was to busy spacing of when the driver was driving that I didn't see which way we went. I don't even know own the name of the apartments for crying out loud. Can this day go any worse?

OK Sophie focus, which way should I go left or right? Left or right, left or right, left or right. Screw it I'm going left.

My feet, my poor feet are killing me. I haven't gotten any close to where my apartment is at -I think- and it's dark outside now. I don't even know how long I've walked. All I do know is that, I'm lost.

I sigh running a hand through my hair, think Sophie, think. I look at my surroundings only to be met by creepy buildings, alleys, and no one and no car passing by. I guess I have to keep walking.

I walk further and soon hear a voice. Finally! I can get some help. Getting closer I get a bad feeling. The voice was getting louder meaning I was getting closer.

"No, please I swear- " I barely get to look when, BANG!

I stood froze as I watched right before my eyes, a man getting killed. I feel myself heart sink as tears fall down my face. I cover my mouth not wanting to make a sound, I need to get out of here. Turning around I start to walk away, but not before glancing one more time only to be met by 3 pairs of eyes. That's when I did it, that's when I took of and...ran.

I don't know where the hell I'm going, but I pumped my already tired legs to run. Even though it's night the image is stuck on my head like it happened in early light. My vision becomes blurry with tears, but that doesn't stop me from running. The adrenaline makes me running faster and faster. I turn left and right at every chance I get. I don't hear anyone or anything behind me, but that doesn't stop me from running. My heart is beating so fast I feel like it's about to burst out my chest.

I stop to catch air. I was so wrong, it did go worse. I walk to the streets more lost than before -if it's possible. I need to call for help. Getting my phone out, it wouldn't turn on. Great, this if fucking great. Today has been nothing but crap all I want is to take a long shower and sleep as if nothing happened.

I don't know how I did it or how I got here, but I made it home. Opening the door I slam it shut behind me locking it. I slide down the door and hug my knees to my chest. Tears fell freely down my face. "Why, just why me" I say out loud.

Getting myself together I stand up and head to my room, I need a shower. I put my phone to charge and grab random shorts and shirt. Turning the water to hot, I strip from my clothes and jump into the shower. The water cascaded down my body relaxing it instantly. My legs feel like jelly as I stood in the shower. Grabbing my strawberry scented shampoo I scrub it on my head and body.

Once I was done I wrapped a towel around my body and changed into my clothes. To tired to blow dry my hair is jump into bed, literally. Can I just forget what happened tonight? No, tomorrow I will go down to the police station. I can't let this slip, that person -whoever he was- needs justice. With finally thoughts in my head I fall into a deep sleep, but not before I hear my phone flash. I will check it tomorrow, nothing is getting in between me and my sleep.

First chapter is done! Hoped you enjoyed:)

Please comment, vote, if you liked it. A little short, but it will get better I promise.

Till next time bye!

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