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Chewbacca fell to the floor, motionless.

"No!" I cried, instinctivley raising my blaster at the trooper and firing. The blast hit him directly in the chest and he slumped down against the wall.

I knelt next to Chewbacca, shaking his arm lightly. "Chewy, can you hear me?" A weak growl escaped his mouth. "He's alive!" I moaned in relief.

Han crouched down beside me. "Hey, big guy. It's going to be fine." I looked at the scorch mark in his fur, a blacked spot on the upper left side of his chest. It looked painful, but not fatal, if we worked quickly.

Thinking fast, I tore a long strip from the bottom of my shirt. "We have to cover it," I explained. I quickly tied the make-shift gauze over it, being careful not to tie it too tight. Chewbacca grumbled, agitated, but allowed me to finish.

It was a sorry job, but the best we could do considering the circumstances. "Do you think you can walk?" I asked. Taking Han's arm, the beast nodded, and struggled to stand up. He clasped his arm tight to his body to prohibit any movement, and gave a sigh of relief when he was finally standing up.

"We'll take better care of you as soon as we're off this pile of scrap metal," explained Han. "We have to keep moving now." Chewbacca nodded in understanding, wincing at the pain in his arm.

Han grabbed one arm and I the other, and together we led Chewbacca out the door.

"We're going to have to move quickly now," I exclaimed. "Just tell us if the pain starts to get too bad." Setting off in the direction of Finn and Rey, we walked as fast as we could without jarring Chewbacca's wound. I could feel the disturbance in the air coming from the right direction, and knew instinctively that that's where I would find the raging battle.

Although Chewbacca was moving reasonably well for having just suffered a blaster wound, to me it seemed we were going painstakingly slow. I knew that every second we wasted was another second Rey and Finn were putting their lives in the balance facing Kylo Ren.

We eventually made it to the door, and I flung it open, expecting the worst. The air was electrified from the clashing lightsabers and sour from the repetitive blaster fire.

I noticed Rey, hair falling out of its ties, face streaked with sweat. She had a determined, deadly look on her face, uncharacteristic of her from the time we had spent together.

Finn was a blur, moving this way and that, firing every few steps. Kylo Ren was still blocking his attempts, but the blasts coming closer and closer to him before he finally parried. He was slowing down.

Helping Chewbacca and Han inside, I watched the battle in shock, unsure of what to do. The lightsaber seemed large and cumbersome in Rey's hand as she moved it unpredictably, trying to do experienced moves with inexperienced hands. It gave off a blue glow that reflected her eyes as she swung it again towards Ren. At the same time, Finn let off another shot. Being unable to move in two directions at once, Ren's red lightsaber clashed with the blue just as Finn's shot collided with his side.

Letting out a cry of pain, Ren bent over and clutched the wound. Raising his head, I saw an enraged look in his eyes that he turned onto Finn.

"Enough!" he screamed through clenched teeth, throwing a hand up. Suddenly, Finn was paralyzed, and he let out a strangled cry as he attempted to move. Using Finn's moment of weakness to his advantage, Ren lept toward him. Knocking the blaster out of his hand, he put his red lightsaber up to Finn's neck.

"Enough!" Ren repeated, breathing deep gasps. Rey began to run toward Finn but, upon noticing the situation, began moving slowly toward the pair without making sudden movements.

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