Breaking and Entering

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"Alright!" called Han, twisting a dial on the dashboard. "There's no way we're getting in there without being noticed, so let's head in guns blazing!"

Finn called up from the deck below, "Looks like we're going to hit it at a good time! They're preparing to charge the canon, so the planet's shifting position to get in line with the sun! Which means --"

"The shields are down!" exclaimed Rey excitedly. "A weapon of that size can't pull a maneuver like that and keep its shields powered."

"But we aren't out of of it yet," muttered Han. "They'll be firing at any unauthorized flights. And besides, thanks to you kids, my Falcon's marked as a major target."

Shooting Han an apologetic look, Rey flipped on the shields. The ship blipped in response, signaling shields at full operation.

"Tell us what you know about Starkiller's defenses, Finn," Rey shouted, turning slightly so her voice would reach the duo below.

"They'll have gone into Code Black when they hear we're approaching," Finn replied. "Which means they'll have everything up and running. Our best chance at landing is in the field on the west side. They'll have four blaster towers guarding it, one on each side. At least three mobile tanks will be shooting at us from the ground, plus however many fighters they can throw at us."

"That's a lot of fire power." Rey turned to Han. "You do have a plan for this, right?"

Han nodded. "'Course I have one. Always do." He motioned back in the ship. "Back in the bunker, I bundled some of the bombs together that we can drop when the time is right. I also made some . . . upgrades on the ship of my own invention."

Rey raised an eyebrow. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

Han shrugged. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Starkiller was slowly getting larger before them, and final adjustments were made on the ship.

"This is it!" announced Han. "Brace yourselves!" Rey tensed on the controls, preparing for anything.

And 'anything' came.

There was a slight rumble as they passed through the atmosphere, and then everything exploded at once. Three TIE-fighters appeared racing toward them, and the ship was studded with fire. From below, Chewy and Finn returned shots, skimming the middle one on the left wing. The fighters turned away, and Rey attempted to orient herself to plan a landing location.

From the air, the main base was visible along with the menacing canon in the distance. Just as Finn promised, there were five visible tanks lined up below, blasters aimed at the Falcon.

"Let's do this!" Finn battle-cried from below. The group whooped and Han pressed the accelerator.

More TIE-fighters screamed past, sweeping behind to get another shot. Finn and Chewy shot back hard, knocking out one of the four fighters. A larger, deeper thrum sounded from on the ground, and Rey watched as a large blast came from one of the tanks below. The Falcon attempted to dodge it, but it smacked into the right side. Light flickering, the ship was thrown off for a moment, but quickly gained position.

"If we're going to have any chance, we need to take out those tanks!" shouted Rey.

"I'll grab the bombs!" replied Han. He got up from the pilot seat. "Rey, take the wheel." Rey shifted into Han's seat.

She glanced around jokingly. "What wheel?"

"You know what I mean!"

Laughing, Rey maneuvered as best she could around the blasts that were flying past the ship, attempting to get in a good position for Finn and Chewy to fire. They blasted every fighter visible, and still more came from seemingly every direction.

Crimson Light [Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fanfiction]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara