Captured by Force

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My eyes flew open. For a moment, light blinded me and I was utterly disoriented.

And then it all came crashing back in a single wave, and I realized where I was. Sitting up, I felt the small rectangular cot beneath me as I stared at the four metal walls surrounding me -- and saw the stormtrooper watching me idly in the corner.

She wasn't like the other troopers I had seen previously, attacking Jakku or otherwise. Instead of the traditional white and black design, she had a metallic silver uniform that signaled a higher position.

Her gaze was trained on me with a focused keenness that unnerved me, and I fought to break the silence.

"Where am I?" I asked, only half expecting an answer.

Upon my speaking, she turned to a panel built into the cell wall, pressed a button and held it. After whispering into it, she responded in a distinctly feminine voice, "Starkiller Base."

"What is going to happen to me?"

"That is for Kylo Ren to decide."

Trying not to think too much on that last part, I asked the question that had been on my mind ever since the locator had fallen, leaving a blood-red trail in the sky:

"How did you find us?"

The trooper paused for a moment, then replied with mocking in her voice, "We had been tracking your ship for days. Once you sent out the message from the bunker, you practically gave us your location."

My heart dropped as I realized what Rey had done, attempting to transmit from the base. I sank back, utterly defeated. How could we have been so blind? We practically did this to ourselves.

The speaker suddenly crackled, and a voice came through, saying, "Ren wants the prisoner."

Ushering to me with her gun, the storm trooper stood up. "Come with me."

Not seeing any other option, I obliged and followed her out of the room. I walked in silent trepidation beside the trooper through seemingly endless halls, quickly losing all sense of direction from the many twists and turns.

We passed other troopers, but I kept my eyes trained on the ground. After a moment, I realized I had nothing else to lose, and began looking them all dead in the eye as we passed.

The trooper finally stopped me in front of a large door. I kept my head held high as she entered a code into the door, and it slid open with a hiss.

Pushing me with the butt of her gun, the storm trooper led me inside. Glancing around, I gaped at the sheer size of the room.

It was a large room, filled with electronics on the desks and consoles that connected to screens. Full sized windows filled two walls, giving a gorgeous view of the frozen planet that I couldn't properly appreciate. The back center of the room had a raised platform that held an obsidian throne with hard edges.

In the chair, back rod-straight, sat Kylo Ren. I couldn't read his expression because of the mask concealing it, but he emitted power and barely controlled anger.

On his right stood a general clad in gray, and on his left was someone I never thought I'd see again in my lifetime.

"Shace?" I couldn't hold back the astonished cry from escaping my mouth. "What are you doing here?"

His face that had held the promise of kindness just days before on Curoscant was now carved in darkness and fury. He smirked at me, giving a hard laugh.

"Oh, Lora." He shook his head sadly. "I've been here the whole time."

"But -- " I struggled for an explanation, but my mind drew a blank. "I don't understand."

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