My Roleplay Applications: Tyler Payne©

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Character Name: Tyler Zackery Payne

Age: 17

Species (Vampire, wolf, fairy, Demon, etc): Human

Personality: Tyler is a sweet and caring guy. He hates being hurt or seeing other people hurt. He is sensitive, which makes him cry more than the average guy. He tends to care too much for people who end up hurting him in the end. Because of this he puts up a wall to protect himself from the pain.

History (Detailed, more then Seven lines): Tyler’s mother died when he turned 10. His father abandoned him shortly after. He came home from school to find that his father had left, leaving him and his older brother James behind. Tyler and James were put into foster care where they got separated. James was adopted by some lady that Tyler never got the chance to meet. Tyler stayed in foster care jumping from house to house, never finding a place he could call home. The kids at school picked on him, because he was in foster care. They made jokes about how no one wanted to keep him, how no one could put up with him. Tyler would get beat up every day after school by the same guy, the first guy he fell in love with. He had known he was gay for a while before this guy, Joshua, kissed him. They stayed together from the time he was 13 till his 16th birthday. Tyler caught Joshua cheating on him with his best friend. He yelled at Joshua, it made him mad and he began to hit Tyler and wouldn’t stop. Tyler was left in the hospital for a week afterward. When Tyler turned 16 he pleaded with a judge who agreed to let him live on his own, granted he work a job and keep his grades up in school. Tyler was advanced in all classes and graduated the year he turned 17. He decided to leave the deadbeat, Southern Ohio ton to find someplace better. He packed up his car and took off, driving until he ran out of gas. He stopped at motel just outside of a town he learned was called Whispering Meadows. He figures since he was nearby, he might as well stay a while. The next day, after getting some gas, he drove the rest of the way into town and started his search for a place to stay.

Role-play Sample (more then Seven lines, with Action and Dialog): Tyler walked down the deserted alley, not knowing where he was. He had stopped to stay in a motel for a while before continuing on down the road. He accidently kicked a can, which caused him to jump. “Geesh Tyler, get ahold of yourself.” He said aloud. He stopped and turned around, hearing footsteps behind him. “Hello, who’s there?” he called at stepping back slowly. He heard the footsteps again, behind him and swung around. He came face to face with someone he had seen in years. “James?” he said, his mouth falling open. “What are you doing here, Is it really you?” He heard a voice in his head, but James’ mouth didn’t move. “Yeah bub it’s me.” He shook his head confused. “What’s going on?” He asked. His brother’s voice sounded in his head again. “It’s a long story bub, just be careful, no matter what, there are things in this word you can’t possibly understand.” “James, where are you?” He asked reaching his hand up to touch his brother face. His hand slipped though the space in front of his with ease. James’ face shifted like it was a fog, and not the image of his brother. Tyler sat up in bed gasping for breath. He didn’t know what had happened, but had a feeling something was hurting his brother.

--- Second RP Sample ---

Tyler sat at his table in the classroom beside his best friend, Dylan. He looked down at his health textbook and laughed. “Hey Dylan, That’s you.” He said pointing to an illustration on the page. He was looking down at a picture of a Chinese girl holding a tissue to her nose.

“Oh yeah well that’s you!” His friend responded pointing in his book at a picture on a old man in a wheelchair. Dylan’s laughter spread through the classroom. Joshua Brinks looked back at them and glared.

“Faggots.” He said, his booming voice echoing through the room. Tyler looked down hiding is face as a tear formed in his eye. He thought of the pain that shot through his stomach everything Joshua delivered a punch.

Dylan looked over at Tyler and wiped the tear from his eye. “Don’t let him get to you buddy, Just remember how much I love you.” He said with a chuckle, “And if that makes me a faggot then so be it.” Tyler laughed and wiped his eyes again. Dylan always made him feel better, no matter what. He knew that with Dylan by his side, he could face any challenge.

Four Weakness (Emotions can NOT be a weakness): Normal human stuff.. like death

Face Claim: Dylan ‘O Brien

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