Chapter One

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I have been the head Game maker of the Hunger Games for five years. I am the youngest ever at the age of 16 I started working on creating entertaining Hunger games each each. Even though I didn't agree with the games I had no choice but to do this. I was prostituted out by my parents because they had lost all their money.


It was a cold and wet night in November five years ago, I was sixteen and my whole family was starving and dying of starvation. I had to build up my energy and go out in search of food. I went through the trash cans behind the butchers shop and found a burnt chicken that the butcher threw away. I didn't know why but I was happy I had found it. I put it into my satchel and dragged myself home as my clothes began to stick to my wet body and my hair began sticking to my face.

"I'm home."I yelled out as loudly as I could with my voice cracking due to lack of water food and talking. Our family would sit in silence for hours trying to come up with ways to get money to keep our house and to get food and drink put on our table. This went on for five weeks before I came home one day surprise to see a man in his 20's sat on our couch.

"Umm... Who are you?" I asked wrapping a protective arm around my stomach as my conciousness began to kick in.

"I'm-" He was cut off my my Mother and father walking in from the kitchen.

"Ahh Katniss, I see you've met Fabio." My Mother said sitting me down next to him. His hands found my upper thigh. I was mortified. I had no idea what was going on but I was really uncomfortable but I knew if I moved I could be in trouble with my parents. If they could trust him, then so could I. "Fabio is here because he sees you around and he thought you were beautiful. He sees that you are sad a lot and he wants to make you happy."I looked at him and he was smirking at me. "He wants to make you feel good, so take him up to your room and do whatever Fabio tells you to." My mother instructed. I placed my bag on the floor kissing prim on her head before walking up the stairs with This Fabio guy Following me. Every now and then, I could feel his hand on my backside squeezing gently.

As we entered my bed room upstairs I was forced onto the bed as Fabio hovered over me. Since I was naive and had no clue what was happening. I didn't think too much of it apart from being petrified and uncomfortable with him touching me.

"No Katniss. You're Mother promised me I could have fun with you so. Let's begin." He whispered in my ear pulling my tank top down over my shoulders and began with my training bra straps. In the matter of a few minutes I was completely naked trying to hide as much of my body as possible from this stranger.

End Flashback.

That is much as I can remember before I feel sick and overwhelmed. I hated what my mother did to me and I was lucky that Snow was one of my costumers and offered me the job. I took it automatically because it kept my sister out of the reaping and I would never have to be raped by another man. Ever.

Over my years of being a Game maker I have never had a block for ideas. I could always think up an idea fast when needed and when we tested the new arena out on criminals in the Capitol I could see the pros and cons of the whole idea. I could always please Snow. I knew what made him happy and what didn't. I was petrified of him sometimes because I had heard so many stories about past head Game makers who he had killed because there was faults in the arenas they created.

I didn't want to be another one of those head Game makers. I wanted to be continuing this job for as long as I could because it keeps me off the streets. Or having strange men Rape me. It keeps my sister out of the reaping and most importantly, It keeps her safe.

The only downside to being in the Capitol and devoting my whole life to working is that I can't have a boyfriend. Never in my life had I had a boyfriend. I've never been kissed. I've never even hugged a boy. I was deprived of my childhood and teenage years. I was forever thinking of a boy that I had had a crush on since I was five years old and he saved my life more times that once.

I was afraid of leaving District twelve without telling him how I felt because I wanted to give him a kiss before I left but I also thought that if I didn't tell him, he could move on with his life and be an amazing dad and husband to someone who isn't as messed up or as far away from him as me.

Little did I know, that was all about to change.

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