"I thought it was Saturday night..." I muttered and was glad that it was Winter break. That meant no school or work for a week.

I rubbed my head, trying to remember what had happened. I sat down on my computer chair and turned the computer on. While it was loading I texted my brother. (Authors note: If you don't have an actual brother that's fine. You have one in this universe! :3 His name is Tom.)

To Tom: Hey. Any idea what I did since Saturday night? I can't remember a thing.

I only had to wait a few moments before he texted me back.

From Tom: What do you mean you don't remember? Were you drugged or something? I've been kinda worried, I hadn't heard from you. I'm coming over to your apartment, okay?

To Tom: No I don't think so I think I remember falling or something. Maybe I was knocked out.

From Tom: Okay I'll be there in 15 minutes.

To Tom: K

I put my phone down and put my hands in my hoodie pockets out of habit. Then I felt something smooth and cold. I pulled it out. It was a small remote with a single red button.

Holy crap does this go to a bomb or something?! I thought to myself as I started to panic a little. I had no memory of Sunday or this morning. It was really scary and now I had this button that just appeared in my pocket.


I jumped at the beep but then realized it was my computer turning on. As my Undertale wallpaper popped up I furrowed my brows. There was something tugging on the edge of my mind. Something about Undertale was important. The wallpaper had the whole Undertale crew on it. Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Flowey, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, and Sans. When my eyes landed on Sans I felt my heart drop and a feeling of sadness wash over me.

Everything rushed back to me.

"Oh my god... I'm back... Was I dreaming? I thought it was so real." I murmured to myself.

Of course it wasn't a dream. It's still as real as this world. Chara remarked.

"Are you ever going to leave me alone?" I asked, irritated.

Oh (Y/N)... I own you. You gave me your soul, remember?

"Did you give me this button?" I asked and held up the remote with the button.

You're gonna return to the game eventually.

I shook my head.

"Sans would kill me." I told them. They laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

You really are stupid. He wasn't fighting you he was trying to keep you from running away. Weren't you listening to the tall one? He said Sans was worried about you. Really (Y/N), you have to stop thinking that Sans hates you.... I mean he will after you kill everyone he loves but that's later.

I'm not letting you kill anyone.

Oh I don't plan on killing anyone... You're gonna do the killing. You're my puppet...

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