A Demon's Perspective, An Earl's Worry, And A Maiden's...

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Chapter 6: A Demon's Perspective, An Earl's Worry, And A Maiden's Laughter.

"It's finally over... What a horrible day it's been... " Ciel said to himself relieved as he watched Elizabeth's carriage disappear in the distance from the front steps of the manor. Sebastian, who was standing next to him smirked. "Hmm... Are you sure? You seemed to be enjoying yourself for a while there my Lord..." He then told him and Ciel rolled his eyes. He was about to tell him not to be foolish when a noise caught his attention. "It seems to be coming from the rose bushes..."He then thought as he caught a glimpse of them moving.

"What could it be?"

He stared at them for a little longer when suddenly a small white cat jumped out of the bushes and Ciel rolled his eyes again as Sebastian got on his knees, saying all kinds if stupidities, and the cat ran towards him. Ciel sighed annoyed and turned to enter the mansion once more when something else caught his attention. From where he was standing he could clearly make out a pale looking hand coming out of the bushes the cat had jumped out of.


"Yes, Young Master?"

"There is someone behind those..." Ciel said pointing towards the bushes. "...Bring them here at these instant."

"Of course, young Lord." The red eyed butler said as he placed the cat on the ground, standing up, and walking towards the bushes. Ciel then watched curiously as Sebastian stared for a second behind the bushes before kneeling down and did what seemed to examine wether or not the person was dead. He then quickly took his coat of and wrapped it around whoever was laying on the ground. Then he picked up the person and Ciel was finally able to make out the person His butler was carrying. Small frame, red curls, pale skin, bright colored dress... His breath hitched.


... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

It's so hot... Why is it so hot?

I can't breath either... Why? What's happening?

And like that, launching up as she gasped for air, Amy woke up. The first thing she noticed were a pair of red eyes right in front of her face and she started laughing happily as she realized they were Sebastian's. She honestly, had never been so happy to see the red eyed man in her life before. "I'm not dead... I thought I was but... Sebastian, you found me, I'm not dead!" She said as she, without realizing, threw her arms around him, sending water flying all over the place. "Wait, water?" She then thought letting go of him and actually looking around to see where she was.

Amy blushed.

She was currently on the bathroom's bathtub, without her dress or corset, only in her nightgown, fully submerged in boiling hot water while Sebastian, still starring at her, was kneeling down on the ground next to the tub. "If I couldn't save my young mistress life in time when she needs me, what kind of a butler would I be?" Sebastian then said as he gently wrapped her with a towel and picked her of the tub, making Amy smile sadly in the process, while tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of how close she had been of never hearing him say his stupid butler lines ever again or seeing his smug little smirk. "Not that I'm very fond of him or anything..." Amy then thought to herself when she realized what she had been thinking. It had definitely just been more the thought of not seeing or hearing anyone again really, because God knew how suspicious she still found him, but at the moment she had just been glad to have seen someone familiar. Yeah, that had been it. Or at least that's what she told herself as Sebastian carried her to her room.

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