Of Broken Promises and Painful Memories

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Chapter 1: Of Broken Promises and Painful Memories

A young red-haired girl sighed and shook her head in disappointment as she watched a carriage pull up at the manor's entrance. 

"He did it again..." She then thought as she watched Sebastian, the strange new butler of the manor, open the door and help out a tall brown-haired man with a mustache of said carriage. 

"Even though he promised, he did it again... it's not fair". 

And it indeed wasn't fair. 

The girl's older brother, Ciel, yes Ciel Phantomhive for all of those who are wondering, had promised he would have dinner just with her today. He had told her he finally had the time. That he wasn't busy attending to things having to do with the Phantom Company, the company their parents left behind after their passing. 

You see, about two years ago, the Phantomhive household had been a relatively normal and happy one. The manor was intact, her parents were alive, Ciel smiled and laughed like he hadn't had a care in the world, and her, Amy, was happy believing they would always be together. Lizzy would come and play with her and make Ciel dress in pink clothes. Their mother, Rachel Phantomhive, would walk around the manor cheerfully, humming a tune as she did so. Vincent Phantomhive would be in his study working all day, but every once in a while, he would come out and ruffle her hair and Ciel's and kiss their mother on the cheek. 

Their Aunt Angelina, or Madame Red, as she preferred to be called these days, would visit from time to time as well and bring all types of presents and sweets for little Amy and Ciel. The little Phantomhive siblings would prank the poor aging Japanese butler Tanka or play along with the family dog for hours in the garden. And they would always get scolded by their mother for ruining the white roses she loved so much. Afterward, they would just smile sheepishly at her, and she would start laughing and join them in the garden until their father would hear the noise and join them too. In very few words, everything was perfect in little Amelia Phantomhive's life, or she thought so until that fateful day. The day everything in her life changed, the day her parents died.

She had been sleeping in her room when suddenly she started feeling really hot. She woke up and saw black smoke coming into her room from under the door. Covering her nose and mouth, Amy then jumped out of bed and ran towards the door, immediately trying to open it. But the door handle was scorching and burned her hands soon as it made contact with it, causing her to yell out in pain as she opened the door anyway and screamed once more at the sight that awaited her. Bright flames of orange and red were burning everything in their path. Tears started to fall out of her eyes as she ran down the long hallways of the burning Phantomhive manor. She just ran and ran until she collided with something hard and fell on her back. She looked up and saw it was Tanaka. 

"Tanaka!! Oh my God, Tanaka!!" The young red-haired girl had screamed before running into the arms of the old man. He carried her out of the manor to safety. They stayed put for a few minutes until the police, a doctor and her Aunt, who had been coming to visit for her brother's birthday celebration, arrived. The doctor then tried to check on both her and Tanaka, who's side she refused to leave until she was able to see her parents and brother. After the doctor made sure they were alright, except for some burns on Tanaka's back and Amy's hand, her Aunt walked towards them and sat next to her. "Sweetie..." She had told her with a very saddened expression. "You're going to have to come and stay with me for a while..."

"Oh... um alright Auntie Ann, but where are my parents? And Ciel?" Amy then asked her. Her Aunt's eyes widened and filled with tears. "You see, sweetie... your mom and dad have gone away to a very faraway place and afraid they will not be able to come back anymore." She told her, and this time Amy's eyes widened and teared up. "B-but why? Are t-they angry a-at me? Was i-it because I-I misbehaved a-a lot? A-and what a-about Ciel? D-did he g-go away as well beca-use he's still angry I-I ta-ke his stuff sometimes?" She asked her Aunt in between sobs. "No, sweetie... it isn't because of that. They weren't angry at you... it's just that they have gone to heaven, and once you go there, you can never come back, but one day, you will be able to see them..." Her Aunt had explained back then, and after a few more hours of Amy crying and asking more questions about her parents, she fell asleep, took her back to her manor.

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