Of Rat Infestations And Missing Undergarments

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Chapter 3: Of Rat Infestations and Missing Undergarments 

A few days had passed since the incident with the Italian man at the Phantonhive Manor. Amy, who still couldn't make up her mind about whether or not she should have gone over to Madame Red's house, ended up not going. The reason? It so conveniently happened that Madame Red decided it was time to pay her favorite nephews a visit and was coming over to the manor later that evening.

And at a perfect time too.

She had decided to come just when the manor had a rat infestation. This actually brings us back to the present moment, where screams could be heard from the Phantomhive Manor's halls and rooms as Finny, Bardroy, May-rin, and Tanaka chased rats all over the house.

Amy, who had woken up from al the racket, just watched them laughing every once in a while as she leaned on her door frame. In fact, at the moment, Finny was trying to throw a big white statue at what was supposed to be a rat but looked more like a cute little mouse. So as Bardroy and Finny went at it again, May-rin screamed nonsense, and Tanaka laughed as he sipped his cup of tea, Amy couldn't help herself and kneeled down on the ground to pick up the little furball.

The mouse stared at her with wide eyes, and Amy giggled as she petted it. "It's okay, buddy," She said.

"I promise I won't hurt you."

"But I can't promise that, my young Mistress..." She heard a deep voice say from behind her, and Amy yelped as she looked up to meet Sebastian's stern gaze.

"You should not be playing with those animals miss. It could bite you, and you could get sick once more, my young Mistress." Sebastian reprimanded her. She sighed, putting the little rodent back on the ground and watching him before looking up at the butler with a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian... it just looked so small and soft... and other than the old family dog, I have never had a pet before, and I just really wanted it to pet it," Amy said as she stood up rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. Sebastian stared at her for a moment. He then looked down at the mouse and immediately crushed it with his foot. Amy gasped, eyes widening in horror as the last squeaks of the mouse were heard.

"These vile creatures are not pets, my young Mistress," Sebastian said, kneeling down and picking up the dead rodent, an antagonist look in his blood-red eyes.

"They are pests. That's all they are."

And with that, he walked towards were Finny, Bardroy, and Mey-rin were still arguing over how to catch the poor death mouse without hurting it.

"It doesn't even matter anymore...the poor thing has already been crushed to death." She thought, a single tear falling down her cheek as she watched Sebastian scold them.

After that, she slowly turned around and walked inside her bedroom, shutting the door as she did so. She then made her way towards her closet and opened the big wooden doors so she could start looking through the extensive line of dresses neatly hanging inside of it.

"That was very cruel..." She could help thinking as she picked a dress and remembered the squeaks of the little mouse. Why had Sebastian done that? It had definitely not been necessary, he could have just set the little mouse free out in the garden. Though that wasn't exactly what was bothering her, and she knew it.

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