The Perfect Mistake

Start from the beginning

"Who's that girl Byrce is with?"

"Is she new?"

"Are they dating?!"

"Well at least she's pretty."

"Lucky ass bitch!"

"Why her?!"

"Oh my God!"

All these voices surrounded me as I sheepishly walked beside Byrce up towards Loriella. Guessing that Byrce noticed my damn near nervous breakdown he grabbed my hand in he's, ingolfing he's long fingers with mine. I shot my head up at him and he winked in return. I had to admit, this was very soothing nonetheless. Today is just full of surpises, and it's not even noon yet!

Once we entered into Loriella's hallways, the wondering eyes only got worse. Every one, and I mean everything stopped and stared at us. Even Tyke and Jade who where causually standing over by my locker. I looked over at Byrce who looked as if he didn't have a care in the world. The bastard must be used to this.

"Wassup man," Byrce said breaking the silence and giving Tyke a manhug.

Tyke's eyes snapped from me to Byrce and back again. Then a big smile forced on he's lips. "My nigga! You got the cheeks!" Tyke cheered.

My face dropped. "I told you she wouldn't play hard to get for so much longer." Byrce said with a chuckle.

I punched him in the arm with only made Byrce laugh harder. "Don't encouarge him asshole!" I turned to Tyke and punched him too.

"Oh Shay don't be like that!" Tyke pulled me into a bear hug and swung me around from side to side. "We're just joking! Lighten up!" he boomed.

"Jade! Get your cousin off of me before he wouldn't be able to have kids." I told her. She just laughed at me.

Tyke stopped all together and let me go. "Fiesty. I like that," he whispered into my ear.

I groaned and pushed Tyke aside to get to my locker. Punching in my combination and popping open the lock, I grabbed my morning classes items that I needed. I turned over to Jade and glared at her.

"What I do!?" she protested.

"You know what you did." I said.

"Hey that wasn't my fault!" Jade pointed over to Byrce who was leaning against the other set of locker in complete aloof. Jade leaned over towards me and whispered, "He seduced me! You know how hard it is to resist that man?" she defended.

I rolled my eyes slamming my locker door shut. "Speak for yourself." I said with a slight chuckle.

"Are you guys..?" Jade asked with a excited smile.

I glared at her again. "No. We're just friends."

Jade rolled her brown eyes at me. "Friends my ass."

"Believe what you want." I smiled.

"Your full of shit Shay I swear!" Jade slapped my arm. I laughed. "I'm serious Shay, you keep denying that your not even remotely attracted or interested in Byrce, you're going to regret it."

I just looked at Jade and everything about her body language proved that she was serious about her statement. "Take this opportunity and just see where it goes. That's all I'm saying." Jade then walked over to Tyke and Byrce.

The morning bell rang meaning the start of another day in this hell hole has begun. Tyke and Jade waved goodbye to me and Byrce and made their way to their scheduled classes. Byrce turned to me and that's when I noticed how close he was to me. I could feel the heat radiating off he's body and the coolness of he's breath hitting my cheeks.

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