Chapter 5

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Josh's POV

My first day went better than I expected. I was late to my first class because I got lost. Thankfully the teacher was understanding and didn't give me detention.

In the back of the class I saw a cute girl, and more importantly, an empty seat. I started to make my way for it and asked if I could sit there. I didn't want to take it if someone else usually sat there. 

The cute girl nodded her head yes and  looked a little shocked. 

"I'm Joshua by the way, though you probably already knew that." I whispered so the teacher didn't hear me. "What are your names?"

"I'm Kate," she replied and pointed at the girl behind her. "This is Savannah, but she goes by Sava."

"You can just call me Josh, I prefer it. Do you have Mr. Brundi next?" I asked, not wanting to get lost again. 

Kate offered to show me the way and with that we turned back to the teacher. 


After class was over I followed Kate and Sava out of the classroom. 

I didn't know what to say and they didn't seem to either. It was a new experience for me. 

"So how long do you think it will take for me  to learn the layout of the school?" I said to break the silence.

I sensed people staring at us and hoped that the girls weren't bothered by it. I was used to the stares, but not everyone was. 

"A week, maybe two," Kate suggested. "It only took me a couple days, but I went over the map a lot."

"What do you think of the school so far?" Sava said, finally saying something. 

"I mean, it's school," I shrugged. "I don't have much to compare it too but it's fine so far." 

"Why did you choose to come to public school?" Kate asked.

I was about to explain about just wanting to be a normal kid when Sava stopped me. 

"Kate! You can't just ask someone why they're here! That's at least a level 2 relationship question." 

I smiled, "She's right, I guess you two are just going to have to wait until you level up for that answer." 

Kate rolled her eyes at that but didn't seem to upset by the idea. "We're here," she said as she opened the door.

"Thank you Miss," I said, pretending to tip my hat to her. 

After class was over we went our separate ways. Kate had given me some directions to my next class, Algebra II. But I couldn't remember if it was two rights and then a left or two lefts and then a right. 

"Excuse me," I said as I tapped a kid on the shoulder as he pulled something out of his locker.

"Can you show me the way to Walker's Algebra class?"

He looked up at me and I realized that he was holding an algebra II book. 

"I'm going there right now, just follow me." He said. 

"Thanks, I'm Josh," 

"Joshua Wilson yeah, everyone knows who you are, nice to meet you. I'm Matt." He said as he offered his hand out to shake. 

I am sooooo sorry for not updating in forever. I'm hoping to do a lot more writing on this story and some of my others but I'm not sure if it will happen or not. Thank you for still reading this story though! Your Votes, Reads and Comments are appreciated!


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