Chapter 2

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Kate's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone shrieking. Annoyed I rolled over and saw the time on my alarm clock. Yikes! I had overslept.

Quickly I throw on some clothes and grab my bag. I manage to make it downstairs before my stepsisters called for me. As I grabbed an apple from the kitchen I overheard my lovely sister's arguing.

"No I want him, I called dibs first!" Carrie shouted at her sister, her face getting redder and redder.

"But I'm older, so he's mine," Susan said in her matter of fact tone. As far as she was concerned, the conversation was over and the poor guy was hers.

Whenever I hear their arguments I'm torn between laughing and and giving the guy a warning. Most of the time I just grab some popcorn, the guys they are usually fighting over are your typical jerk anyways. Every now and then however, I feel sorry for the guy and help them out, if he's nice enough. I tried to warn one kid once, I can still feel that punch. Let's just say he wasn't known as the strongest kid in school for no reason.

I took a seat on the couch hoping that maybe this morning's drama would cheer me up. No such luck.

"Kate! Why are you eating on the couch? You know mother hates it when people eat on her couch," Susan scolded me.

Correction, Elaine hates it when I eat on her couch. Susan is sitting there with a bowl of cereal that is threatening to spill. Of course if that happens I will be expected to clean it up and be late for school.

"Come on," I scowled as I stood up," are you two ready?"

"Fine," Susan growled as she stood up and set her bowl on the table.

Susan led the way out to the shiny pink car. I don't know what possessed Elaine to buy it but her daughters sure made good use of it. Carrie and Susan drive to the highschool, but I have to get out and walk the last few blocks. Honestly, I'm happy to do it. I'm not the type of person that likes to pretend to be a barbie, no fancy clothes and bright pink sports cars. I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt girl that would prefer to walk, if she didn't have a bad habit of sleeping in too late.


"Kate! Have you heard?" Sava called, running up to me as I walked up the steps

"Heard what?" I sighed. I loved Sava but sometimes she gets a little too excited about the latest gossip.

"The new kid, have you heard the rumors? Some people say that Joshua Wilson is coming to our school!" Sava shrieked in my ear.

I just stared at her.

"You don't know who I'm talking about do you?" Sava asked as we walked toward my locker.

"Nope, don't pay attention to famous people," I said as I leaned down to get a book so she couldn't see my face.

Sava rolled her eyes," Well if you actually paid attention to anything you would know that he is the biggest popstar ever!"

Oh let me guess, now you are probably thinking 'Oh, the famous guy, he's going to fall for Cinderella and save her from her step family.' If only it was that easy, I'm not pretty, talented, or interesting. Also, I have no interest in being like Cinderella. Less than a year from now, I will be out of this place and free to do what I want.

"Oh look! There he is," Sava said tilting her head towards the right.

I turned and saw an angel walking our way. A blonde boy was walking down the hallway and greeting people as he went by. He glanced in our direction for a moment and I saw the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen.

 After staring for what must have been too long but didn't feel like long enough, I managed to turn away and get Sava's attention," Come on, we'll be late for class."

"Sure," Sava replied with a dazed look as she followed me to our first hour.

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