4 minutes to save the world

Comenzar desde el principio

Avalon looked up and asked, "So how are we going to find them?"

"Eva will scout out the castle while we fight and when she finds them she will tell us," I explained. Eva couldn't fight very well, but she was a good scout, so this job was best suited for her.

After a moment of silence Damian asked, "Any more questions?"

Everyone shook their head no. We were ready to fight.

I nodded and said, "Okay guys, lets go."

I turned around to walk away, but as I did music started blasting from Blaise's pocket.

"Time is waiting. We only got 4 minutes to save the world. No hesitating. We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes."

Blaise fumbled in her pocket and quickly grabbed his phone and answered it, "Hello?"

After a few seconds he rolled his eyes and hung up, "Stupid phone company..."

Everyone continued to stare at him and he gave us a confused look, "What?"

Ashton finally said, "Nice ringtone..."

"Oh..." he said, "yeah... I forgot about that ringtone..."

Everyone practically facepalmed.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Blaise... we are going to war... why do you have your cell phone?"

Blaise shrugged, "It has angry birds on it.... I figured it would be something to do if I got bored."

Avalon shook her head in disbelief, "I can't believe you thought you would get bored in the middle of a fight...."

Blaise rolled his eyes, "Whatever..."

I sighed and chuckled slightly, "Okay.. well that was an ironic ringtone... let's just get ready to fight.."

We walked over to the other people that were going to fight and explained everything to them. After everyone understood the plan and was ready we started going closer to the castle.

When we arrived the sun was just getting ready to rise. We had to strike now or we would loose the cover of night.

"Okay guys... lets sneak in and try to take out as many guards as possible before we get caught and they set off the alarm," I said quietly.

My group went ahead and the other fighters stayed behind and got ready to give us backup when we needed it.

Rowen gave Drew one last kiss before leaving him with the other fighters. Damian would be staying too and keeping command over the others until we got back and Ashton took over.

It was just the seven of us now. Ashton, Karl, Eva, Avalon, Blaise, Rowen, and myself. Ashton put a hand to her necklace nervously. I could tell she was worried and so were the others. To be honest I was terrified. I didn't know if I was ready for this... but we had to go ahead with it. This was our only chance.

We snuck in and quietly started taking out guards. The farther we went into the castle, the more guards there were. But since it was night time, most weren't paying that much attention. We used that to our advantage.

We tried to save our ammo and take them out with mostly combat. Plus gun shots were too loud. Soon enough though a guard saw us before we saw him and he sounded the alarm.

As soon as the alarm was sounded we pulled out our guns and got ready for real combat. I sent Rowen downstairs to release the prisoners in hope they would fight with us. Then I sent Eva in mouse form to go searching for the King. We didn't have long until he would escape in a helicoptor or something. I sent Ashton to go command the people outside and make sure everything was fine in that battle field. Now it was just Karl, Blaise, Avalon, and I.

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