Back to the Mansion

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Carters POV

We arrived at Damian's mansion late that night. We pulled into the garage and when we got out of the car his brothers and the maids were all waiting for us .

The brothers all exchanged hugs and the maids and I exchanged hellos. The rest of the group were standing there awkwardly since they didn't know any of these people.

"Shall we go inside?" Jase, the older brother, said.

Jase led the way inside and into the living room. For once the living room had enough chairs for everyone and none of us had to sit on the ground. We were use to every place being too small for our large group and it was nice having a big mansion for a change.

I sat next to Damian, like usual. I noticed Erik wink at Damian and Damian roll his eyes at him. I looked over at Courtney and saw her wedding ring and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"So... uh... you guys are Damian's brothers?" Ashton asked.

"Yes, I am Jase and that's Erik," Jase said.

"Who are the others?" Drew asked motioning to the maids.

"These are our...friends... Marie, Courtney, and Jessica. They are all three sisters and witches," Jase said.

I had noticed that Jase said friends instead of maids. I guess since Courtney had married Erik, they were above the role of maids. I assumed they still helped clean the house though.

"It's so weird being back here..." I said looking around. I had so many memories of this place, both good and bad. I honestly had never thought I would ever come back here. It was nice, yet weird, to be back.

"It's so weird to see you again," Erik said, "You have grown alot. Last time I saw you, Damian was alot taller than you. Now you are only a little bit smaller than him."

"Well it has been a few years. Of course I am going to grow," I said jokingly.

"I suppose so," Erik said laughing, "You are human after all..."

"Technically, that's wrong. I'm not exactly human..." I said.

"I guess not... you still seem pretty human though," Erik said, "Have your powers gotten any stronger or are you still just hitting people with brooms?"

I laughed remembering the first time I had ever used my powers. I had levitated a broom into my hand and hit Damian over the head with it. I saw Damian smile. Obviously, he remembered that too.

"I feel so left out right now," Rowen said, "I have no idea what anyone is talking about."

I laughed and said, "Just some memories from awhile back..."

"So this is where you were living when everyone thought you were dead?" Karl asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. I was kind of kidnapped and held against my will... but then we all became friends so its okay."

"Yeah," Jase said chuckling slightly, "I never did get the chance to say sorry for that."

"Its fine," I said with a smile, "Everything worked out alright."

"So anyways," Erik said, "Introduce us to all of your friends."

Everyone introduced themselves and we all talked about our powers and important stuff like that. Most people when they meet someone new ask about their favorite things. When you are paranormal they ask about what powers you have.

Jase cleared his throat and then said getting serious, "Enough joking. We need to start planning our move."

Erik nodded and said, "We have been asking around and rallying people to help us. At first no one wanted to help us, but then we told them about how if they didn't help us now and you guys failed, the Immortales would rule forever, because no one would be able to stop them."

"I'm assuming everyone was very willing to help after you told them that," Damian said.

"Yeah," Erik said laughing, "We have gotten alot of people to help."

"We are still going to be badly outnumbered though," Jase said.

"Yeah," Erik said, "It would be easier to attack them if the Immortales still trusted us. They have been keeping information from us. I think they suspect that we are helping you guys."

"Atleast we still have one inside man," Jase said.

"We have an inside man?" Damian said confused, "Who?"

"Well, William of course!" Erik said.

"William?!" I said shocked.

"Yeah..." Erik said confused, "Didn't you guys send him back to his castle to spy for you?"

"No," Damian said, "We haven't seen him for months now. He ran off..."

Erik and Jase exchanged a look before Jase said, "Well he has been at meetings and press conferences. He is definetely back at his fathers side. We assumed he was spying for you guys."

"Did he seriously crawl back to his daddy and betray us?" Avalon said shocked and annoyed.

"That little punk," Blaise said angrily.

"So you guys seriously didn't know?" Marie asked confused.

"No," Damian said, "We haven't had access to any paranormal news. Just human news."

"Everyone just calm down," I said, "We don't know that he isn't spying for us. We haven't seen him since he ran off and if he did want to find us he wouldn't have been able to. We move around too much for him to find us. He could want to come back to the group."

"He's a spoiled brat. You can't honestly believe he is on our side," Blaise said.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Blaise is right. He is the kind of person to switch sides whenever it suits him. Now that he's no longer in love with you, he has decided to go back to being a royal prince," Avalon said.

"Well," Erik said changing the subject, "Atleast we do have some sort of element of surprise. They won't be expecting us to attack them first. They probably think we are going to put off the war until they attack. They also don't know who Ashton is, so that's good."

Ashton looked shocked, "What do you mean they don't know who I am."

"Well, they have wanted pictures of everyone of you guys, except Ashton. So I'm assuming they don't know who she is. They have warned that they know there is one more person who is unidentified in the group, but they don't know that it's her," Jase said explaining.

I took a deep breath and took it all in. So we had the element of surprise, but the Immortales also might know about all of our powers because of William. I was trying to keep hope that he was still on our side, but the odds seemed to be against us right now.

"Well," Jase said after a moment of silence, "That's enough talk for tonight. Marie can show you all to your rooms and we will talk more tomorrow."

Everyone smiled tiredly. We were all exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep. It was nice that we were all going to get our own rooms. We had been sharing rooms since we didn't have enough money to pay for our own rooms everytime we stayed some place.

I went up to my bedroom and laid down. I tried to fall asleep, but I stayed up worrying and wondering. Could William really just betray us like that? Could he betray me like that? I wished that everything could just be simple like it use to be. When my worries were just about homework and school or even back when my worries were just about getting away from my psyco kidnappers.

I sighed. Life would never be that simple again, but maybe that was a good thing. Life was always so boring before. Atleast life would never be boring again...



It's only tuesday and I have this chapter done! That means that if I get another one written by Sunday I will post a DOUBLE WHAMMY! But I am actually quite busy this weekend so.... maybe not. But I will try my best to get two chapters out this Sunday. I'm currently in study hall right now, so I'm going to make this author's note short so I can get started on the next chapter. :)





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