And the winner is....

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Ashtons POV

"Hey! Are you ready? You will be going on in a few minutes," I heard Rowen's perky voice say as he entered my dressing room.

I looked at him and saw as his smile disappeared and was replaced with a look of worry. I tried to wipe away my tears, but it was too late. He knew I had been crying.

"Ashton! What's wrong? Are you okay?!" Rowen said rushing over to me.

"Y-yeah... it's nothing. We should hurry and fix my makeup before I go on stage," I said.

Rowen started fixing my makeup, but he wasn't going to forget about what happened, "Ashton... seriously. What happened? Did that bitch from earlier do something. I swear I will get Drew to kick her ass for you! I would do it myself but... I'm not that good at hand to hand combat..."

I sighed and said, "Rowen, I am fine. Just drop it. It was nothing. I just got upset over something small and not important. It was my fault..."

"Ashton, don't you dare give me that 'everything is fine' bullshit. I know you. I know that you are strong and wouldn't be crying if it wasn't important," Rowen said giving me a serious look.

"Its just...," I sighed and then broke down and decided to tell him everything, "Blaise was kissing Avalon. I knew they were friends, but I thought they were just friends. I also know that me and him aren't really a thing or anything, but... I don't know. I guess I liked him more than I thought. When I saw him kissing her I felt like he was cheating on me somehow. I know its stupid. I know I am stupid for thinking that he actually liked me... I just made a stupid mistake and it won't happen again..."

Rowen was silent for a moment and then he finally said, "Ashton, if it's important to you, then it's not stupid. To tell you the truth, I thought you guys were having a fling or something. It's obvious he likes you. The way he is always hanging around you and gets possesive when Ty is around you. So, if I were you I would probably be bawling too. You aren't the stupid one, he is. He's stupid for choosing Avalon over you."

I smiled and looked up at him, "Thanks Rowen... I don't know what I would do without you... I would probably still be sitting here crying.

Rowen smiled, "I'm here for you whenever you need me. I can be like one of those stuffed animals that therapists give to you to tell all your problems to. I'm even a good cuddler like a stuffed animal, too!"

I laughed and said jokingly, "Rowen, I wish you were straight so I could date you."

"Don't tell Drew that. He may think we are having an affair or something," Rowen said laughing.

We sat there joking for a few more minutes until he finally said, "Okay I'm done! You look absolutely gorgeous again! Although, I think you look beautiful with no makeup on too."

I smiled and said, "Thanks Rowen. That means alot."

"No problem. Now go out there and knock them dead with your singing!" Rowen said.

"Yeah, they will definitely be dead after hearing my tone deaf singing," I joked.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you will do fine," Rowen said.

I smiled and walked out of the dressing room. As soon as I saw who was waiting for me outside the dressing room my smile turned into a frown.

Blaise was standing there waiting for me. He saw me and quickly came over to me.

"Ashton," he said, "I'm really sorry for earlier! It wasn't what it looked like! I swear! It's just that-"

I cut him off and said, "Blaise, I don't want to hear it right now. I need to get on stage."

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