10 years ago...

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Carter's POV

*10 years earlier*

"Come here, it's time for bed you crazy little girl!" my mom said as she chased me down the hall.

I looked behind me to see if she was following me and ran right into my dad.

"Oof!" I said as he lifted me up into a bear hug.

"Come on, sweetheart, it's time to go to bed," my dad said smiling at me.

"But I don't wanna go to bed!" I whined.

"If you don't go to bed then you will be too tired to go to school tomorrow, and if you don't go to school you can't show Karl your new shoes..." my Dad said.

I looked over at the corner where my shoes were nicely sitting. I usually just kicked off my shoes, but I wanted to keep these nice. They were tennis shoes that were bright blue and had sparkles on them. They were the kind that when you stepped lit up.

"Fine....." I said finally.

I went to my bed. My blanket had blue and purple polka dots and it was super fuzzy. I jumped into bed and snuggled in.

"Tell me a bedtime story?" I asked.

"Carter..." my dad started to say but I immediately used my puppy eyes and he melted, "Okay, but just one."

"Once upon a time... there was a little girl named Carter who refused to go to bed, so the ticklemonster came and.. TICKLED HER TO DEATH," my dad then promptly started to tickle me, making me squeal. When he finally stopped all three of us were laughing.

"Now, go to bed, princess," my mom said.

"Okay," I said and snuggled deeper into the fuzzy blankets. My parents kissed me goodnight and I went to sleep.

I was use to having weird dreams, but this one was the weirdest of all. I looked around and saw destruction everywhere.

I backed up and stepped into a puddle. I looked down at my shoe which was now soaking wet. My shoes weren't my glittery new ones, or even my green old ones, the were grey and torn up quite bad.

I then looked into the puddle and saw my face. I gasped. I wasn't me, I was a teenager. I looked closer and realized it was me, just an older version of me.

I looked around and someone called my name so I went toward them.

"Carter, we are way outnumbered, Eva went ahead in bird form. We knew they would have more than us, but it is even worse than we imagined," one of the guys said.

I studied the guy and realized it looked like an older version of Karl. He was muscular and wasn't way taller than me anymore. Right now he looked kind of girly and sweet and had no muscles, he was also a whole head taller than me. I was glad Mom was right and I got a growth spurt.

Without me wanting to, the older me replied to him, "We will stand and fight. If we run it will give them time to get more people."

"It will also give us time to get more people," Karl argued.

"We aren't going to get more people, Karl! Everyone is too scared. We barely got our own group to all come," Older me yelled at him.

Another guy stepped over by us and said, "I agree with Carter. It's now or never. Let's get the others and tell them"

I smiled at the guy that agreed with me. Older me seemed to be close friends with him. I noticed he had red eyes though. That was weird. Cool...but weird.

The red eyed guy started walking towards a group of people in the distance. I joined him and smiled. He smiled back. Usually red eyes would be scary, but on him it was cool and kind of pretty.

I hope I will meet a guy with pretty red eyes like that in real life one day...

He was about to say something but before he could I woke up from this strange dream.

I opened my eyes and looked around. It was still night out. I looked over by the window and saw a pair of glowing red eyes like the guy from my dream.

I quickly turned on my lamp, but when I looked back the eyes were gone. I must have imagined them...but they had seemed so real. I sighed and shut off my lamp and went back to sleep.


Sorry it's a day late but I got food poisoning over the weekend. Shoutout to ashtonDanceStar who helped me write this chapter and the next chapter. She gave me alot of the ideas. She is an amazing author and you should check out her books. (And I'm not just saying that because she will kill me if I don't. ;) I actually mean it)

From now on I am setting up a schedule since I need to start rewriting the first and second book and prepare them for getting published (yes I am going to publish these books. The books you are reading now are only rough drafts. When I publish it they will be much better. I promise)

I will upload every Sunday and Wednesday. This will count as my wednesday upload so the next upload will be Sunday. This way I have enough time to edit the first two books as well as write this book.

I want to say thanks to all my new fans for fanning and for all my old fans for sticking with me. It means alot! I <3 you all!!!

<3 Story

p.s. let's make this book the best one out of all of them! I have lots of cliffhangers and evil plots in mind that will make you want to kill me at times, but trust me, it will be worth it, the ending it going to be EPIC! So keep reading! :D

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