Car Chase

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Chapter 13

Carter POV

What was going on with me? I am so not the flirty kind of girl, yet here I stood, teasing Damien like I was this huge girly girl. I blame Ashton.

I looked up to see Rowen and Drew kissing. Aww.... they were such an adorable couple. I was glad we were all back together.

"I 'hate' to burst everyone's happy little bubble, but we should really get going before they send any guards after us," Avalon said.

I nodded and we all got in the car. Damian got in the drivers seat and I sat next to him. Everyone else got in the back.

Damian put the keys in the ignition and started the car. We started to drive. I looked behind us and saw something horrible. Three black cars speeding towards us.

"Uh...Damian. I think you may want to speed up...alot. We are being chased," I said quickly.

He glanced back and saw the cars, then put then he stepped on the gas peddle with full force. The car lurched forward and started speeding off. I glanced back and saw they were gaining on us still.

I turned to Avalon and asked, "Avalon, are they close enough for you to confuse them?"

"They might be, but there is no way I can use my powers right now. I wasted all my energy on Damian," she said.

"Blaise?" I said.

He immedietly knew what I meant and replied with, "I'll try."

Blaise rolled down his window and leaned out of it. He aimed and shot a fireball at one of the car. He hit the one on the right and the car swerved off the road. Before we could celebrate, Blaise collapsed in his seat and started screaming in pain.

"What's happening?" Avalon and Ashton said at the same time. They turned and looked at each other and both gave each other a glare before turning to me.

"Immortales have powers too. One of them must be able to cause pain," I said.

"How do we stop it?" Avalon said.

"You can't until you kill the Immortale causing it. Blaise won't die though, the pain isn't real it's just his imagination. It works like your power does, Avalon," I replied.

"So what should we do?" Eva asked.

I turned to Eva, surprised that she had talked, she was usually quite in these situations. I could see in her eyes that she was scared. She wasn't made of war or battle. She was just a sweet girl that got caught up in all of this.

"I have an idea to take out one of the cars, hopefully it will be the right car and Blaise will be ready to take out the last one...because after this I won't have any energy left," I said.

I rolled down my window and leaned out the window, but I quickly leaned back in. I had moved just in time. One of the cars was shooting their weird guns at us.

"Damian...How far until the main road. They won't be able to shoot at us once we are in public.." I said.

"Almost there..." he said. I could tell he was stressed out.

I leaned out the window and picked the one in the middle randomly. I focused on it with all my strength. I could feel my energy quickly leaving me. I wondered for a split second if I was strong enough to do this. The suddenly the middle car flipped over and smashed into the ditch.

I saw it catch fire and then explode. I knew everyone in that car was probably dead or would be soon. I fell back against the seat exhausted. Damian looked over at me worried and I gave him a half smile. I wanted to fall asleep, but I knew I needed to stay awake.

I'm At War With A Nameless King (Immortales vs Powers Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now