The Great Plan

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Carters POV

The next morning when I woke up, I left my room and wandered downstairs. I still remembered where everything was even though it had been over a year since I had last been here. I hoped that the rest of the group wouldn't get lost. They had never been here before. Only Damian and I knew the layout of the castle.

I went towards the kitchen to look around for some breakfast. I saw Damian, Jase, and Eric all sitting around the table discussing something. I walked over to them and when they saw me they stopped talking.

"You can't do that anymore," I said, "You can't just hide all the information from me like before. I am in charge now and I need to know everything."

"Sorry," Jase said, "It's a habit from when you use to live with us. It's hard to remember that you aren't just some random girl anymore."

"We also need to let Ashton in on everything, or mostly everything, she is my second in command. Unless it would affect her fighting negatively, we should tell her everything," I said before adding, "So what were you guys talking about anyways?"

"We were trying to decide whether we should ask Alexander's pack to join us or not." Jase said.

"We need their help!" Damian said, "They are one of the strongest packs around."

"Alexander and Marcia have their children to think of! We can't ask them to risk their lives! If we ask them they will say yes, because they are amazing friends, but they will be risking everything for this," Jase argued.

"We are all risking everything for this," Eric said solomnly.

"Yeah, but none of us have young children who could become orphans!" Jase said.

"What about Courtney?" Eric said.

"What about her?" Jase asked.

"She's pregnant..." Eric said sadly, "We didn't tell you guys, because she wants to fight and she knew that if she told us, we wouldn't let her fight..."

Everyone was silent for a moment. Courtney was pregnant. We were all shocked. Courtney was willing to risk her baby's and her own life to do what was right.

"Okay..." Jase said finally, "We will ask..."

Damian nodded slowly before saying, "I will go call them."

"Well, now that that's settled, what else do we have to discuss?" I asked.

"When we are going to attack," Jase said.

"As soon as possible would probably be good," I said.

"We need to find the perfect openning. We need to somehow create a distraction so they will be distracted and unprepared," Jase replied.

We all thought about it and after a minute or so I said, "I think I have an idea..."

"What is it?" Eric asked.

"Well... it's kind of complicated, but I think we can pull it off," I said smiling.

I had the perfect plan. They might not fall for it, but if we did it just right and everything went as expected, then it would give us the perfect oppurtunity to attack.

"Well tell us what it is!" Damian said walking back into the room.

"I'm guessing you heard what I just said," I replied.

"Yeah. It's an advantage of vampire hearing," Damian said with a smirk.

"What did Alexander say?" Jase asked.

"He said yes," Damian said.

"Of course he did..." Jase said with a sigh.

"Well anyways," Damian said changing the subject, "What's the plan Carter?"

"I will explain when everyone is downstairs," I said.

Just then Ashton wandered down the stairs and said, "Hey Carter, everyone's up. Blaise and Avalon are arguing though and Rowen and Drew are cuddling and Karl and Eva are just hanging out in the room. I came downstairs to see what's up."

"Well, I think I might have a plan," I said, "Can you go get everyone?"

"Sure!" Ashton said skipping back up the stairs.

After a few minutes Ashton came back down with the rest of the group trailing tiredly behind her. Everyone sat down and looked at me. They were all curious what my plan was.

I made sure everyone was listening and then I took a deep breath and explained my plan to them. I could tell they were doubting it would work.

"Do you really think they will fall for that?" Blaise asked.

"I think they will," Eric said, "The Immortales are arrogant enough to fall for it. They might suspect it's a trick, but they will probably do it anyways just to make sure."

"It's the best plan we have," Jase said, "And it won't negatively affect us if it doesn't work... so we might as well give it a shot."

"So, it's agreed then," I asked, "We are going to do it."

Everyone nodded and we started working on the details and making preparations for the plan. If it wasn't done perfectly, it probably wouldn't work.


Yes I know this chapter is short, but I am posting two in a day so WHATEVER! XD

You can call this double whammy a thank you gift for 75 fans. (although it's a little late. I reached 75 a few weeks ago. oh well)

This chapter was really hard to write, because I had to write it without giving away any details about the plan. I wan't it to be a surprise. :)

The next chapter will be in somebody else's point of view. Actually I have two options of the point of views I could have it in. Can you guess who the two options are?

Anyways thanks for reading and being awesome! :)




and FAN!

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