Calls, crashes and cuts

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At the hospital

Dans Point of view

She was lying on the hospital bed with tubes and wires wrapped all around here. It scared me. I had only know her for a couples of hours but I felt the need to protect her. My phone vibrated. It was Kyle.

KYLE: dan ? Are you okay? You didn't turn up to practise! Did you forget or what?

I replied: I'm really sorry Kyle I was on my way but Im... I'm at the hospital

Kyle instantly replied.

KYLE: what ?!! Dan are you okay? I'm on my way.

I suddenly realised that he thought it was ME who was the patient. So I decided it was best to ring him and explain .

"Hey Kyle listen I'm okay!" I said trying to stop him from panicking

"But your at the hospital you weren't at practice and"

I stopped him" no Kyle I'm sorry for not coming to practise but you see I'm with a girl here she's a massive fan of ours and she was getting beaten up and well I had to wait with her.. I couldn't just leave her I'm sorry" I started to cry, I'm not sure why but I was just so confused and upset for the girls safety. I never wanted to see our fans in such an awfull state. I should have never left her. She was bleeding and tearful on a park bench alone and I just left her there. If I hadn't had left her she wouldn't be in this state.i started to cry more. Tears softly fell from my cheeks.

"Hey dan are you there!? Don't cry buddy I'm on my way"

Kyles point of view

I got in the car straight away after my call with dan. This wasn't like him. I don't think I'd ever seen or even heard him cry before. He usually didn't get upset ,normally he just laughed things off. Like that time he received loads of hate on twitter and he started writing really witty replys back to them. I started driving towards the hospital thinking about what he must be feeling. I was confused. How had he met this girl? How old was she? Why was she beaten up?. The questions were spiralling round my head as I had never been in this kind of situation before.suddenly I saw a car heading straight torwards me horns beating. I swerved off the road hit the curb and the car flipped over. A few seconds later I opened my eyes. I wasn't in any real pain but the car was a mess and dented. It was somehow back the right way up. My hands were shaking on the steering wheel and I wasn't really sure what had just happened. My mind tried to recall the events but it was all just a blur. There was a cut on my face but apart from that I had no other injuries. I was so lucky. I turned around to see a figure walking torwards the car. It was a man. he was quite tall and had tatoos all over one of his arms he had a beard and his face showed an angry espression.i wound down my window to let him speak.

"Hey what do you think you were playing at man! You nearly had me and my wife killed!"

"Sorry.. I'm really sorry I'm not even sure what happened" I said awkwardly

"Ill tell you what happened matey.. You were driving all over the place on the wrong side of the fucking road you twat" his voice was aggressive and frightening,

"I'm really sorry" I apologised again "but I'm glad I did no harm, it's just my friends at the hospital and I guess I wasn't really focused"

"We'll your lucky no one died!" He shook the car and walked off. I waited till he driven away and I decided to text dan to tell him I was still on my way.

KYLE: dan sorry im gonna be a bit later than expected

DAN: it's okay, are you okay? You didn't answer my call

Shit I didn't even realise dan had called me

Kyle: oh sorry man I just had a bit of an accident

DAN: in the car?? Are you okay? Did you crash?

KYLE: no it was my fault dan it's okay I'm not hurt.

DAN: well if you sure, drive carefully now kyle

KYLE: okay see you soon dan ^_^

I started to calm myself down and slowly drive down the motorway. I focused on the road and nothing else. I touched my face to realise it was still bleeding and that the cut was actually quite deep. I turned into the entrance for the hospital,parked,locked the car and went inside.

I hated hospital. Those plain white corridors and symmetrical door ways and dark windows. I shivered. I didn't have a clue what ward or section I would find dan and the confusion must of shown because a nurse came up to me.

"Excuse me do you need any help?" She asked kindly. I nodded.

"I'm looking for my friend dan"

"Okay she said what's wrong with dan? What injuries does he have?"

"Dans not the injured one hes with a girl she was beaten up I think she was unconscious?" I said not really sure what I was meant to say.

"Okay she will most likely be in the children's ward in section a, that's just down the corridor and to the right through the double doors" she smiled and walked away. Okay down the corridor I said to myself remembering her instructions. Then to the right through the doubles doors. I did what she said and founds myself in section A:the children's ward.There were lots of rooms all around me but where would Dan be?

I walked a little further up the corridor to find some seats a coffee machine and a desk. I was still in shock from the accident so I decided to get a coffee. The warm liquid rippled through my body instantly warming me up and making my senses come alive. I sat down not really knowing where to go from there. I was worry so much about dan but I was helpless myself. I sat for what seemed like hours when I saw a figure emerge from a distant doorway. I recognised the wild hair and lanky legs and ran up to him.

"Dan! How are you!? I'm so sorry I'm late!" I hugged him. He hugged me back almost instantly and we laughed. But then dan stopped staring at me. His eyes pierced through mine and his face went pale.

"Your face" he whispered. I had forgotten about my face. I touched the cut to realise blood was still seeping out. I looked in the reflection of the near by window. My hair was a mess and my left cheek was dripping with blood round the deep cut close to my eye.

"I didn't even realise" I said smirking. Dan still looked pale, like he was going to faint.

Dans point of view

The cut on kyles face look painful. The blood made my stomach turn. I felt like it was all my fault. If I hadn't had made Kyle rush so much he probably wouldn't have crashed.this really wasn't a good day. My fan and friend were in pain and there was me in the middle healthy as ever.

"We need to get you check out, you might have more injuries than you think" I said to Kyle looking at him through concerned eyes.

"Of corse but I want to see our fan first"

I toke Kyle into to the room where she laid on the bed. She was still covered in bruises and her lip was still bleeding.but she looked more alive than before. I heard a gasp From behind me and turned to see Kyle looking in Horror at her body. I sat next to her bed and held her hand praying she was going to be okay. Kyle smiled at me and patted me on the back trying to reassure me.

"What's her name ?" Kyle said

"I'm not sure, I never had the chance to ask her" I sighed.

"So what actually happened? How did you meet?" Kyle asked. So I told him. I told him about how I was walking to the shop and I banged into her in the park,I told him how she was already covered in bruises and how we sat on the bench and chatted for a bit. A tear escaped from my eye as I told him about me leaving her. Then I told him how I was walking away when I heard her screaming and how I ran back and found her in this mess. As I finished telling him what had happened my tears became more rapid as I put my head in my hands. I couldn't control my tears now. I was sobbing like a baby my hands running through my hair.

"Hey she will be okay Daniel" Kyle said looking at me in the eyes and pulling my hair away from my face."she will be okay"

*dont worry guys it gets more interesting I promise ;) *

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