*cough cough* im STILL in the room

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The champion selection:

We all gathered in the great hall, it was finally time for the champions to be named, the room fell silent as the goblet floated into the room, a name was spat out of the goblet.

“the champion for beauxbatons is fleur décor” another name was spat out “the dumstrange champion is victor Krum!!! and the hogwarts champion is cedric diggory!!!!” I stood up and cheered for ced! I looked over at the goblet, it was doing something one more names were spat out Dumbledore looked at the name “harry potter” me and harry looked at each other in confusion. Dumbledore then screamed his name, I got up and linked arms with harry and we walked to the front of the hall with him the poor boy looked terrified, people started at us and some shouted cheat!

Later on me harry and the rest of the champions were sat in the champions room. The teachers came running over to harry.

“harry did you put your name in the goblet”

“no sir”

“and you’re sure”

“yes sir” me and harry headed back to the Gryffindor common room together.

“harry I believe you didn't put your name in, I think someone set you up”

“but who?”

“I don't know harry but im going to find out” me and harry  walked through the portrait, and into the common room, basically everyone was gathered down there. Harry walked over to Ron and I walked over to the twins. I jumped into George's arms and he hugged me tight, he put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up so my eyes met his.

“Harrys going to be fine, I promise” he knew how close me and harry were, I shed a small tear and pulled myself into George's chest. I stood there for a minute or two just listening to his heartbeat.

"hey where’s my hug?” Fred asked with his arms in the air, I giggled and jumped into Fred’s arms.

“happy now Freddy” I whispered into his hair

“extremely” he smiled into my hair, I jumped down and sat on the sofa, with either twin to the side of me. I rested my head on George's shoulder and my legs on Fred.

days later:

I headed down to breakfast on my own, Ginny and Hermione were taking too long to get ready and I was extremely hungry so they said they’d meet me down there, I sat down in my seat the only person around was Angelina,

“heya jess” she said and slid next to me

“hey ang, howa you this morning?” I don't like her still but I thought I’d be nice

“im fine thanks jess, wbu?” she asked in her annoyingly sweet tone

“im good taa” uhh why am I talking to her, I’d rather sit in silence to be honest, then cedric walked into the hall, I quickly sprang off my seat and walked over to him

“heya jess, you’re looking very well this morning”

“omg ced thank god you hear, I was being forced to talk to Angelina!” cedric began to snigger, I hit him playfully on the shoulder “shut up, no one else was on my table!” me and cedric walked over to the HufflePuff table and I sat next to him, we talked for ten minutes or so then Ginny and Hermione finally walked into the hall.

“well I'll talk to you later cedric” I waved as I ran over to the pair of them. “well you two took your time didn't you!” I huffed as I sat opposite them

“well we can’t all be metamorphas jess!” Ginny chuckled.

“oh well lucky me I guess” I grabbed a few pieces of bacon and shoved them onto my plate along with a fried egg, you gotta love a fry up in the morning. Fred and George came down and sat either  side of me,

“morning beautiful” George whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickled my neck, and I began to chuckle

“morning hot stuff” I replied. Before I knew it I was pulled onto his lap and entwined in a full snogging session. He didn't bother licking my bottom lip to ask for entry anymore because I had already entered his mouth, his hands began to wander down to the top of my thighs, and a little under my skirt while my hands were tangled in his hair,

“*cough cough* we’re still here” Fred said, mine and George's lips broke apart and we both began to chuckle, I slid off George's lap and back onto the bench, my chuckle soon turned into a belly laugh, not really sure why but it did. I started to eat my breakfast and so did the boys, but George sneakily left his hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently up and down but he respected me and didn't go too far up.

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