Sleeping Sideways

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Sleeping Sideways, I admire you from afar.
You toss with the motions of your dreams;
And I read them through your sleep choked smiles.
It's been a long time since I've been able to admit that you are no prince.

You're not a knight,
Nor am I a princess;
But together we are royalty.
I sense it every time I slip on my ring.

Knowing your soul, has kept my wonders afloat.
They say I'm mysterious,
But you're full of surprises.
I fall for it every time.

I wonder if you think of me in the same light.
Knowing how perfectly imperfect we both are;
I struggle to see what you see in me.
Your sleep filled eyes show no sign of telling.

Sleeping Sideways gives me hope.
It fills my eyes with tears.
True love has been found;
And it didn't take the time I expected it to.

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