Chapter 22 - That's One Way of Shutting Me Up.

Start from the beginning

I tilt my head to the side, trying to ignore his shifting and the color rushing to his cheeks I shake my head. "That still doesn't make talking to my dad-"

"Goddamn it Scarlet, say daddy one more time. I dare you." He interrupts me.

First of all...rude. What's his problem? Hunter literally looks like he wants to jump off a cliff at the moment.

"Why are you- Oh.....oh. OH." I stop talking when I notice why exactly he doesn't like me calling my dad that. And the reason was right under his pillow. " Ew, Ew. Get rid of that!"

He laughs again. "Probably should have thought of that before saying the word 'Daddy' more times than necessary and hugging your pillow while looking like a-a ....yeah." the look in his eyes tells me he is not in the most comfortable situation.

"How the flying horse does the word daddy turn you on? I call my dad-father that all the time you kinky bastard." I say, scooting away from him, making sure to use my pillow to cover my body from his gaze.

His eyes don't look at my body, instead, he looks at the ceiling. "What can I say, Kitten, you are actually the one that introduced me to the wonderful discovery of reading online, or should I start calling you baby girl?"

I close my eyes hoping that the ground will swallow me, please tell me he is not talking about what I think he is talking about. "Did you by any chance...mean that you got my online library when you said web accounts?"

My horror becomes reality when I hear his reply. "I sure did. Miss.Babbygirl_1998."

I shake my head and open my eyes to see his amused expression. "No comments. I'm still mad at you for going through my accounts. "

"Well, as I said before-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know you don't have to repeat yourself thousand times Hunter Snow."

His amused expression automatically turned sour at his name. "Don't call me that."

This time, I'm the one laughing. "Why not? Do you like Snow bunny better? Maybe Snow Angel? Or should I call you Snow White?"

He groans. "My name is Hunter all right? You better remember it real good. You'll need it. "

"Yeah, when I report you to a mental hospital."

"You know, when you said you want to get to know me, I didn't think it meant you emotionally scaring me. Don't you care about my precious ego at all, Kitten?" both of us shift on the bed, trying to get comfortable.

"Alright, alright. Not need to get your panties in a twist. I have a very very important question though....did you actually not have a teddy bear during your childhood? Cause that seems a bit cruel to me. " I say.

'Yeah? and having your mother hate you isn't?' a voice in my head says. Ugh...get away, I was actually having fun.

"Well-" Hunter starts with a shrug. "I had a ladybug. My mom named her Buggy and every time my brothers or I did something bad, she would say 'Miss.Buggy would be really disappointed in you.' and for some reason it always made us feel really bad, every single time." He says with not a hint of embarrassment.

I actually take my sweet time with laughing at the image of him apologizing to a stuffed animal with his brothers. I never knew he had 'Brothers' I thought it was just him and Josh. "Oh my god....the mental image is killing me. How many brothers do you have?"

"3. I'm the second youngest. Josh is the second oldest, James is the oldest, he is 24, the youngest is 14. He is currently living with my grandfather because he was struggling with school here. " Hunter explains. That's cool, I'm still surprised that he is not embarrassed about he ladybug story.

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