"Why are you stripping?!" I shouted into my head.

Ava winced before saying, "I have to unless you want your clothes shredded and please don't scream, it hurts." I huffed and continued watching through the eyes of Ava.

I heard the familiar sound of bones cracking but this time, it didn't hurt nearly as much. There was only a spark of pain before I was standing on all fours. Ava walked in front of the mirror and I felt a push as I regained control of my body.

Wow.. My fur was snow white and I had piercing icy blue eyes. There was a golden thunderbolt on my chest like the one on my left forearm. There is a black thunder bolt that covers my whole form arm, it's a birthmark, but looks like a tattoo. It's a very large birthmark. I also have a crescent moon shape birthmark right ankle. Weird right? Though I was always astonished by them. Would I call it a birthmark even? What do you call something on your limbs that were there when you were born?

"How do I shift back?" I asked my wolf. "Just think about how you look in your human form." She answered. I thought about my blonde hair, blue eyes, and fit figure.

I heard the cracking sounds again and I was back in my human form, naked.

"Well you didn't have any clothes on when to shifted so...." She explained. I nodded, understanding. I pulled on my pajamas just in time for my mom to burst through the door, knocking the mirror down.

"I found some possible reasons that your stomach might be hurting. Werewolves can't really get sick but, have you gotten sick in the past 2-3 months?" My mom asked.

I shook my head, "I don't think so." My mom looked like she was in deep thought for a moment. "Hmmm." She hummed.

"Have you found your mate?" There's that word again 'mate'. "What's a mate?" I asked her.

"Like, a soulmate. Your other half. That person was created for you before you were born." She explained. That guy, with the brown hair... And those green eyes.. Said that he rejected me.

"When I was walking to Kelly's house, a guy with brown hair and green eyes knocked me over." I said. My mom looked at me with confused eyes, probably waiting for me to continue. "And?" She said.

"And... He said something about rejecting me as his mate and his pack's Luna or something. I can't quite remember." I continued. "What's a Luna, mum?"

She looked heartbroken. It made me sad to see her sad. It's just like that for me. "What? What's wrong?" I said, worried.

"Honey, I think your mate rejected you." She looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"What does that even mean?" I exclaimed, confused for the millionth time now.

"Your second half, he rejected you. I think that pain in your stomach, was because he was kissing another girl. You didn't accept his rejection so you guys still have a bond." She explained sadly. My second half rejected me? Why?

"Because he thought you were human..." My wolf whimpered sadly. That's why she was sad when she first talked to me.

"How do you know?" I asked her, I barely know the guy.

"I can hear his thoughts. He called us a weak worthless human." She whined sadly. I could see her with her head on her front paws as she laid down. It pained me to see her like that and I barely knew her.

"My wolf said that he thought I was a weak, worthless human." My eyes watered with tears as I thought about our mate saying that about us. I don't even know the guy that well.

"Try not to shift in school. It's late and you should head to bed now. If you have any problems, call me or Daddy. I'll explain more to you tomorrow." My mom whispered. I nodded and we exchanged 'good nights'.

The Following Day~

I was back at school and I could see and hear way better now. Everything was more clear. It was fascinating.

"They're wolf senses." Ava said in my head. She smiled at the fact that I liked them.

I walked into the school and Emma was there. Her eyes immediately widened. "What?" I asked. What's so surprising? I looked around trying to find something unusual.

"It's your aura." And she said nothing more. Yeah, thanks, Ava.

"No problem!!" She said happily. She's happy.. That made me smile internally.

"N-n-noth-i-ng..." Emma stuttered out. I was unconvinced but I'll let it slide this time.

"Okay..?" I said questioningly. Emma looked at me with fear shining clearly in her eyes. Okay..

"I'll just get going..." I said awkwardly. Emma's different today.

It's going to be a long day....

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