chapter twenty nine

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Lauren's POV

"I'm exciiiiited!" Camila squealed cheerfully. I looked at her from the chair beside my desk and when I didn't see her on my bed, I looked down and saw her plastered on the floor, lying on her back and moving her legs and arms around agitatedly. I couldn't help but chuckle at the dork I call my best friend.

"I know, Camz. That's all you've been recently." I commented.

"Can you blame me? I'm starting school with my best friend in four freaking days!!" she exclaimed. "I'll meet new people, I'll have new teachers and I'll get to learn more."

"You know, when you moved here, your opinion of school wasn't as exciting as it is now. You were this girl that hated it, just saying." I smirked.

"Yeees, but!" she put her pointer finger in the air to make a point. "that was before you showed me there's nothing I should hate. You showed me the better side of it."

"I guess," I mumbled.

"You don't seem very excited, though." She pouted.

"I know, right? You stole my excitement, I'm sure." I stuck my tongue out at the young Latina.

"Admit it, you hate the fact that I'll be by your side even more often than I'm these days." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"There is nothing to hate about it, I'm excited about this part." I explained myself.

"I know," she giggled and got up from the floor. She came up to me and put both of her hands on each of my shoulders, leaning her body on the backrest of the chair that I sat on. She leaned in slightly, with her face just inches away from mine, and at this moment I stopped breathing. This is not the first time she'd do this – get incredibly close to me and wait for me to look her in the eyes, almost as if she was waiting for something; for me to do this something. I took a shaky breath and finally looked up, my eyes found her chocolate brown orbs immediately and her pupils dilated subtly. I studied her flawless face for the millionth time in my life and I couldn't get over the natural beauty of this girl. Her lips curled in a gentle smile and she sighed deeply.

"Let's go on an adventure," she whispered.

"Not this again.." I murmured under my breath.

"Excuse me?" she chuckled, straightening up but still rubbing my shoulders with her slender fingers.

"You and your visions of kissing in the rain, romance and going on adventures." I let out an airy laugh. "You and your philosophical side."

" I can't help it," she raised her arms in the air and shrugged her shoulders innocently and I couldn't stop myself from thinking I missed her touch already.

"I know, cutie." I smiled, thinking of the level of her adorableness.

"You love that about me, don't you?" she giggled.

"You're right, I do." I answered seriously. Too seriously.

"I was serious, though." She spoke up.


"Laur, we've got 4 days of summer break left, let's use this time wisely and just escape for a while." She said passionately.

"Escape?" I asked, puzzled.

"Let's pack some clothes, bring some cookies and get in a car." She replied, looking out the window, smiling dreamily to herself.

"And then what?" I trailed.

"We drive," she said shortly.

"Drive where exactly?"

"Anywhere we want to, Lauren. Come on! Live a little," she exclaimed, turning around and facing me again.

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