chapter eleven

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Lauren's POV

"Well, I heard you wanted to talk, yeah? Let's talk!"

Camila emboldened me to speak up by putting her hand on my knee as I sat cross-legged. We locked eyes and she nodded subtly, smiling. By this small gesture she gave me the courage to talk to my mother about my deepest secret.

"I don't mean to come off as offensive, Camila, but you'll be staying with us during this conversation? I thought this was something more serious." My mom's voice filled the silence again.

Before the girl could respond, and I knew she was startled and didn't know what to say, because her whole demeanor changed, I decided to answer to save her the inconvenience.

"Actually, Mom, I've already talked to Camila about it and she's the one who encouraged me to speak to you. It's something I've been hiding from you, I couldn't get myself to tell you all of this." I stopped for a second to see my mom's reaction. Her face said it all. "I'm not surprised you're surprised, to be honest."

"Of course I'm surprised, Lauren. You've had trust issues since I remember. I'm not saying it's wrong, I have nothing against it, and Camila, I apologize upfront, but you talked to a girl you've known one day about an issue that I have no idea of? It doesn't sound like something you would do, that's it."

"I know, and I'm sorry, Mom."

"You don't need to apologize. You know, I'm glad you made the decision of reaching out for help to someone, in this case Camila. What's important, is the fact that you're finally openly talking about your secrets to anyone, really." My mom shared with us. "And I know I had nothing to do with it, I've been nothing but a burden to you recently, and I'm the one who should apologize. You've done so much by yours-"

"No, Mom. Stop."

"Let me finish, honey. I owe you this much." She reasoned her need of confessing all this to me at a time like that one. "In one year, you were forced to face the loss that has occurred, deal with not only your own sadness and grief, but also everything that came with my lameness. You didn't have a life back then, because I was your life; your supposed mother that couldn't, and didn't want to take care of herself, was your life when it absolutely shouldn't be this way." She stopped to take a deep breath. "I feel like I don't say enough of this, but I'm proud of you, Lauren. For dealing with everything during the past year and for finding yourself again. After all this time and everything you've been through, you still have the strength to be yourself, gain the things you've lost in the process all over again, build new friendships and be the wonderful daughter you've always been. I'm so incredibly proud of you. I'll never be able to thank you sufficiently. "

I didn't have time to think of an answer, because Camila's attempt of British accent, which she failed by the way, filled the lingering silence in the room.

"Well, things have gotten officially awkward."

All three of us burst out laughing and when the laughter died down, I gestured at my mom to give me a hug. As we were enjoying the embrace I said, "I love you, Mom. And you're very welcome." I decided not to dwell on it, not right now at least, I'll have many occasions to talk to her about it when I'm out of hospital, and just state the obvious.

"I love you, too honey."

"Seriously, guys.. I do feel a bit awkward, it's like invading your privacy, 'cause you're getting all sappy and sentimental, and I'm just sitting here and watching it. Do you want me to leave?" I heard Camila speak up again as she stood up.

"No," both of us said in motion. We looked at each other and smiled.

"No, unless Lauren wants you to, but I already know your presence is important to her, so as long as she's okay with it, I don't mind you being here." Mom explained.

mending the pieces ~ camrenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin