chapter twenty four

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Lauren's POV

"I'm telling you, this girl will be the death of me." I let out a frustrated sigh, collapsing on my bed as I let out all the bottled up emotions about a certain girl to the person I was on the phone with.

"Yeah, it's a shitty situation." My best friend, Leigh admitted through the phone speaker.

"You say??" I asked sarcastically. We both chuckled and I waited for her to say something else.

"Who would have thought that our little perfect Lauren would turn out gay?" she laughed.

"No one said I was gay, okay. Shut up," I teased her.

"Okay, no labels then?"

"That'd be awesome, not yet, at least." I requested.

"No problem, hottie."

"Oh, my god! You haven't called me that in ages!" I burst out laughing at the name she used. I heard shuffling and all kinds of noises outside. "Where are you, anyway?"

"Just out on a walk, I needed to get some stuff done in the city." She answered vaguely.

"I meant a city, dumbass. Or at least a country." I giggled.

"Oh..uhh, Iceland." She hesitated.

"Weren't you guys there like two weeks ago, though?" I asked confused.

"Um, yes! We were, but...uh, my parents loved it so much that we got back for a bit longer." The fuck was her problem today.. she was never a good liar. And definitely not this time. I thought I wouldn't ask more questions though, she'll come around eventually.

"I miss you, Leigh." I admitted.

"I miss you too, Lauri." She replied sadly.

"When can you get over here? Miami is so boring without you."

"Sooner than you think, tiger." She responded skeptically.

"There it is again, the name." I trailed, ignoring her uncertain answer.

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Any plans for today? What time is it over there?"

"Nah, I've had a bunch of productive days one after another, today I'm just chilling. I planned on staying in and catch up with my books, you know me." I revealed. "Oh, and it's 3 o'clock."

"Oh, I do. That's my Lauren, though. We're so going to party hard when we're reunited. I'll get that party beast out of you." We laughed, remembering the many times she managed to get us sneaked into a club or a party.

"Girl, I'm scared." We chuckled again and I heard her take a deep breath.

"Hey Lo, I gotta run but I'll talk to you soon, I promise." She excused herself. "I love you, ok? Hang in there."

"I love you too, L. have fun!"

"Without you? You must be joking right now." she added humorously. "Okay, later!"

"Byeee.." I trailed sadly.

I sighed as I ended the call. I think that at this moment, it was the longest we haven't seen each other. But I completely understand her parents' motives. After Chris' death, Leigh came to Miami and stayed at my house for a whole month, when usually it's two weeks up to the nines, wanting to be there for me. she joined her parents after that and later she told me they'd missed her very much and will be skeptical about letting her come here again anytime soon. The last time I saw her was in February, they came for a birthday party her grandma was throwing. They didn't let her come to celebrate my birthday, though.

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