chapter twenty three

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Lauren's POV

"Oh, my god.." I breathed. "I think I might die of embarrassment in 3..2..-"

"Babe! That's nothing to be ashamed of..really!" Camila tried convincing me for the umpteenth time this evening.

"Yeah, you don't sound so sure." I called her out.

"I am, though!" she argued and my whole family laughed at her comment.

"Right.." I quipped unconvinced.

"Lauren, don't worry. Camila would've seen this anyway, it's not like you'd be able to hide this from her with me around." My dad winked.

"It's not like you're around anyway.." I mumbled but thankfully quiet enough. Only Camila was able to hear this. She comforted me by putting her hand on mine and squeezing it lightly, letting me know she was there for me. I locked eyes with her and smiled gratefully.

"As sorry as I feel for you, Laur, I'm still ecstatic about the fact that I got to see you like this." she smiled cutely.

"Well, no one, absolutely no one," I emphasized, "needs to see this." I gestured to the TV.

"Including you!" I added directly at Camila and pointed my index finger at her which she jokingly tried to bite off a second later. I quickly moved it back, so that it was out of her reach.

"Cutee," I heard Taylor whisper to herself. I casted a glance at her and she smiled.

"You mean, no one needs to see, hm, let's think-oh! A 4-yeard-old Lauren running around with her mom's bra literally shouting she wants boobs already?" Clara spoke up.

We all burst out laughing remembering the part she's just described.

"Shush, please!" I begged.

"I liked more the one when on Christmas morning she mistook the boxes and she took one that belonged to our aunt who was single and little Lo took out a dildo and-"

"Ok, Taylor, stop right there!" I stopped her. "That's enough, okay?" I asked pleadingly.

My parents chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, okay. Next time we'll torture Taylor. Too bad it's so late already, we could have watched the videos with her as well." he explained.

"Nah, it's too soon for Camila, she's just met me, she's not ready for that." Taylor replied.

"Baby videos are so important," Camila joined in.

"Speak for yourself. We'll see what's your opinion on them when I get to see videos with a 5-year-old Camila." I argued. "I can't wait to see it, by the way." I winked.

"You get to see my sister who's 5 and literally the same person, that's enough."

"No, it's not fair." I continued.

"She's right, now you need to show her some of your videos." Taylor said to the brown-eyed girl.

"I thought you had my back!" Camila gasped.

We all chuckled and suddenly the girl got up.

"I'm sorry guys, but I should get going now, I told my mom I'd be home for the night." She excused herself.

"That's okay, thank you for joining us. It was a pleasure to meet you." my dad responded.

"The same goes to you, sir." Camila answered politely.

"Please, call me Mike." He added.

"Okay," she chuckled and came up to him to shake his hand.

I stood up and got closer to the girl. I planned on going out, because I could bear spending time with my dad when Camila was around, but being with him alone was torture. Which is why I wanted to go out and wait until I was sure he was asleep, so he wouldn't bother me.

mending the pieces ~ camrenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz