Chapter Thirteen: Red Bull and an Internal Battle

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“Why were you daydreaming about red bull? You are really strange you know that right Princess?” He smirked and his eyes danced with laughter, “Your place is fine then.”

“I am still kind of tired and I was thinking that if I had a red bull I wouldn’t be as tired.”

“Ok-“He was cut off by the bell. Class was over already? It felt like it hadn’t start but not ten minutes ago. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! Looking down at my desk I noticed I hadn’t corrected my essay. The number 95 was circled in red. Oh well that’s still an A so I don’t really have to change it. Grabbing my books I followed the boys out of the classroom waving bye to Jace as we went separate ways. Bradin was still following behind me.

“What class do you have next?”

“Photography. You?”

“Art. It’s right next door to you so I’ll walk with you.” He smiled as we made our way to the classrooms. Once in front of the door I began to feel extremely nervous and my palms began to sweat. I have never been walked to class by a guy. This is very awkward. What do I do? Wave him bye and go in or give him a hug? My thoughts were cut off as my face was pressed into something hard. Taking a breath I smelled Bradin’s aftershave, yummy, he smells so good! Guess that takes care of my dilemma. My back began tingling where his hands were placed. This feels so nice; I let out a content sign.

I could feel his chest vibrate as he chuckled, “See you after class Princess.”

I felt a cool breeze across my face as soon as he pulled back. I would give anything to be right back where I was in his arms. It just felt so right. I watched him walk into art class. Shaking my head and grinning, I entered into my classroom. Wait? Why has he been calling me Princess since that day at his house? I’ll have to ask him when I see him again.

After class I gathered my stuff and walked out the door. Leaning against the lockers, was Bradin. He was staring off into space with his eyes closed. He had a content smile upon his face. I stood there in awe for a minute as students pushed passed me to head to the next class. I had the urge to march over there and kiss him until I was senseless. Embarrassment washing over me, I felt my cheeks heat up as I tried to shake the image of marching over there and pulling his lips to mine, running my hands over his well-defined muscles that you could clearly see through his tight white tee. Where are these thoughts coming from? This is Bradin we are talking about Gabriella, not Cayden. I don’t feel that way about Bray as I do about Cayden…do I? Nah, it’s probably just because he’s so damn fine! That’s all…

“Having an internal battle with yourself Princess? Bell’s about to ring in a minute, we better hurry to class.” His voice brought me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even realize he moved and was standing in front of me. I wonder how long he’s been watching me. Oh I hope he didn’t see me blushing and staring at him!

“Yea we better go, lead the way kind sir!” I saluted as I began to follow him to class.

After 3rd hour it was lunch time. Good thing to, I am starved! I turned to Bradin as we walked out into the hallway towards our lockers, “We going to eat real fast and then go to the library?”

“Yeah, do you just want to stay here and eat quickly in the cafeteria instead of leaving campus? It would give us more time?” He answered as he began to put his books in his locker, taking out his Algebra book and binder.

“Yes that’s fine.” I replied as I did the same.

We headed to the cafeteria and picked up some food. It was chicken nugget day! I love chicken nuggets, they are the best! Once we finished eating he took our trays and went and put them up. Getting up, I went to meet him by the trash cans. “Ready to go?”

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