Chapter Two: Mutant Cow People?

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Chapter Two

As Kyrie and I headed to school, I just sat in silence and stared out the passenger window, wishing everything was different and that Cayden was still a part of my life. I missed my best friend, but I would have no idea what to say if I was to talk to him again. Would I be mad at him or would I jump for joy? I really need to get a life and stop thinking about him. Why is it so hard for me to forget a measly six-year friendship? A part of me believes that it may be the fact that I had fallen in love with my best friend at some point during our friendship. I haven’t told anyone that I felt that way about Cayden; I was too scared of rejection to even tell him how I really felt about him. It’s too late now; I just want to forget everything about him.

"What are you daydreaming about over there, Gabs?"  Kyrie reached over and turned down the music, giving me her full attention.

"What else would I be thinking about? Crazy, mutant, cow people?” I couldn’t help but pause and giggle at her face, her eyes nearly popping out of her head. “I was thinking about Cayden and what I would do if I was to talk to him again. Not saying I'll ever talk to him again, but I don't know if I would be mad or happy." I sighed as I started to run my fingers through my hair, contemplating on whether to put it up or leave it down.

 Kyrie began laughing hysterically and almost swerved off the road, "Mutant cow people?"

            I told you, she has blond moments.

"Watch where you’re going, you psycho! Yes, mutant cow people. They haunt me in my dreams." I replied, shivering at the thought of those crazy cow people. "Is that the only part of what I said you caught?"

"No, I heard all of it Gabs; I was just trying to process what on earth a mutant cow person is. Anyways, I think if the time comes that you do talk to Cayden again, you will find the right thing to say. Only you can decide how to feel. I don't know Cayden personally, as you do but I'm sure there was a reason as to why he has not kept in contact. I also know that if there is no reason and he is just a jerk, you should move on. It's time for you to be happy. He hasn't been around for two years now; you should just push him to the back of your mind and try to be happy. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen, Gabby, just be happy!" Kyrie sighed as she maneuvered her car into a parking spot.

And this is why she is my best friend. Once again, she always knows how to brighten up my day.

"Oh yay, my favorite place ever, Culver City High.” I snorted as I opened up the passenger door and grabbed my backpack. “Good things come to those who wait, I guess. I'm just going to focus on the friends that I do have now. Cayden is a part of my life but I think your right Ky, it is time to get over him and just move on."

We walked over to the front double doors of the big red school building where our friends were hanging out on the steps. "Hey guys!"

"Hey girls, how are you doing this fine morning?" One of our newest friends, Bradin Fields stood up to greet us. He is such a sweet talker, always trying to talk one of us into hooking up with him. As if that would happen, that boy has been with more girls than I could count on two hands. Ick.

"Doing fantabulous, how about you Mr. Fine Piece of Meat?" Kyrie sat down on the steps next to Jace Stanifer, Bradin's somewhat, slightly less, annoying, best friend.

 "I think it's time for a haircut Bradin, I can't see your beautiful eyes, they are a window to your beautiful soul!" I leaned over and tried to push his hair out of his eyes while giggling.

Kyrie snorted, “You and your Jesse McCartney obsession, Gabs. Although Bradin looks a lot like him, he is nowhere near as gorgeous!” She pretended to swoon.

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