Chapter Twelve: The Pig Catcher

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Chapter Twelve:

I rolled over and crashed into something hard and warm. I slowly opened my eyes, disorientated and noticed I was face to face with…Bradin? He was staring intently at me, an expression of shock mixed with confusion clouding his eyes.  I felt my heart beat quicken under his gaze and my face began to heat up. Can you say awkward moment? It’s not every day you wake up next to a guy in bed! Memories of last night came crashing down and I began to frown.

He noticed my frown and closed his eyes, sighing. “You're still here.  Why did you stay here with me?” His voice held so much emotion; I couldn’t help the urge to take his hand in mine.

“You needed someone to talk to Bradin. I listened and I wanted to stay and be here for you, and help you in any way I could.”

I watched as he opened his eyes, his expression flashing with pain and settling on relief as he looked down at my hand gripping his, “Thank you, it means a lot to me that you would do that. I haven’t been the best person to you so I don’t understand why you did it, but thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me. You were in pain; something horrible had happened to you. I’m not a cold hearted person. I don’t like to see anyone in pain much less any of my friends. I know you would do the same for me if it came down to it.”

“Yes I would Gabriella in a heartbeat. I may be a jerk but friends and family mean the world to me. Without either, I would have never gotten through the pain.”

I gave him a smile, “So, what would you like to do today? I’m free for the day.”

“Well first things first, if you want to take a shower, my bathroom is through that door next to my dresser and in the drawer on the left hand side there’s a brand new tooth brush you could use. I could also see if Addie has something you could wear since you two look to be about the same size, if you like?”

“That would be awesome. I do need a shower. I probably smell like cigarettes and alcohol still.”

He raised his eyebrows, “Well you kind of do smell like stale alcohol…were you drinking last night or something?”

“No I was taken to a club and ditched there. Cayden the guy I was with last night just left me stranded there.”

Chuckling as he climbed out of the bed he replied, “So your dream date with Mr. Hotshot didn’t go as planned?”

“No comment. I really don’t want to talk about last night. I’d rather forget about it if it’s ok with you. I’ll deal with him some other day.” I sighed trying to fight back the hurt I felt at the thought of what Cayden did.

“Alright, I’ll let it go but just this time. I’ll be right back, going to find Addie and see if she has clothes so you can have a shower.”

I watched his retreating back and stood up stretching. I walked over his desk and saw a notebook that looked tattered and overly used. Picking it up I wondered what on earth it was. Flipping it open I began to read it. There were multiple words written all over the page covering the entire page. I caught words like, regret, pain, nothing, worthless. As I was trying to figure out what it meant I heard his footsteps ascending to the door. Quickly I set the notebook down where it was and moved to sit down on the side of the bed. Heart racing, I felt like I was invading his privacy and guilt washed through me.

“Here are some shorts and a t-shirt; she said she thinks they will fit you.” He said as he walked in and handed me the clothes.

After I had taken a shower and brushed my teeth, I met him back in his room. He asked me if I wanted to explore the farm so we walked outside and he began showing me the farm and animals. When we came upon the pig pen he turned to me with a boyish grin, “Want to see me try and catch a pig?”

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