21. An Uncontrollable Situation

Start from the beginning

When I closed the front door, all hell broke loose.

Ethan began firing questions at Eli, the sort of questions that aren't really questions. "You think you can keep my sister out all night, huh? I bet you think you can date my baby sister?".
Sebastian was single-handedly trying to hold back the triplets who were all screaming "Let me at him! Wait till I get my hands on you Antonelli". Elliot was trying to talk to me, to reason with me "Listen Peyton, don't you think you're a bit young to have a boyfriend? I mean, I'm sure Eli is a nice guy, but he did just almost get arrested".

But worst of all, there was Hunter, who didn't say a word. He stood silently, arms tight across his chest. His face seemed emotionless but his angry shade of red betrayed his feelings. He was steaming, he was more than steaming. I don't think I'd ever seen him quite so angry. I watched as his face slowly contorted from his expressionless stillness to disgust to all consuming rage.

In four long strides he crossed the room, pushed my brothers out of the way and had Eli pinned up against the wall. Initially, Eli had been trying to reason with my brothers, to explain that this was more than it seemed. But when Hunter had him pinned against the wall his face contorted to one of agony. His ribs still hadn't healed and being violently shoved against a wall was not good for the healing process!
"Hunter! No!" I shouted as he grabbed Eli by the collar.
"I told you to stay the hell away from her!" He yelled furiously.
"He warned you stay away from her and you still went after her? Let me at him Hunter" Ethan shouted over the raucous. The situation was getting out of control, well, it never had really been in control.
"I told you I'd kill you!" Hunter exclaimed menacingly.
"That's our sister!" Riley shouted.
"She's too young! You're taking advantage of her you sick son-of-a-"
"Shut up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Silence finally fell in the room. It was like the middle of a battle had been paused. Sebastian had frozen, wrestling the triplets. Ethan and Hunter had paused, fists in mid-air ready to launch.
"For once in your lives will you shut up and listen to me! Can you all stop being selfish asses and actually respect me and my opinion for once in your lives!" They all looked at me, shocked into silence. My dad who had been watching the whole spectacle with a grin looked impressed "You're all hypocrites! Ethan, you don't think I should be allowed anywhere near males yet you're Lexington's biggest flirt. Riley, you're trying to date my best friend in the whole wide world. Elliot, you're dating a girl who, I didn't want to say this before, seems slightly out of your league. And Hunter, the worst offender of all. You claim that you've fallen in love and that this girl, Arianna has made you happier than you've ever been, yet you want to deny me that? I am in love with Eli and he makes me so happy, he respects me and he cherishes me. Which is more than I can say for you jerks! All my life it's like I've been inferior to you just because I'm a girl, well guess what brothers, you're all wrong. I can whoop every single one of your asses and Hunter I swear to god if you don't put Eli down I will be the first person in history to beat your ass". I stared him down ferociously, but he still didn't let go. "Do you want to try me because I am not kidding" I raised an eyebrow at him and put a hand on my hip. He reluctantly let go and I saw Eli release a breath he had probably been holding.

"No matter what you think, I am not your baby sister anymore. Believe it or not, I can take care of myself and trust me, if this guy ever hurts me I'll be the one sending him to hospital. So please, get over your stupid complex and just let it go. If you really loved me you would let me with happy. With Eli". I took a deep breath and scanned my brothers' faces. They looked remorseful, apologetic.

"I'm sorry" Kai said, walking over and hugging me.
"I'm sorry too" said Blake as he joined in the hug. One by one my brothers apologised and joined the group hug until eventually I was being bear-hugged by seven gorillas and was struggling for breath. In a good way though.

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