Chapter 28

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"Please don't..." I'm reduced to begging and sobbing. Especially when he forces me to turn around and spreads my legs. His knife still rests at my throat, I can't flee, can't fight back.

"Stop crying, whore! You know how this works, just take it!"

When I hear him open his zipper and then feel his skin on my, I start crying even harder and try to brace myself for the inevitable.

But the sharp pain of the intrusion never comes. Instead I feel him being pulled away from me roughly, the knife cutting my throat in the process.

"Scott, quick! I've got him."  I hear someone, probably Avi, scream.

Seconds later I am pulled into strong arms. Scott's arms. I snuggle up against his warm, broad chest and just let the tears fall free. And he does the only thing I need, he holds me tight and hums a sweet melody into my ear.

After I've calmed down a little bit he lets go of me and kneels down to pull up my trousers.

"The police will be here any minute" a female security informs us. "You might need to stand by to answer any questions."

"Thank you. Can you get a paramedic as well? The cuts at his neck don't seem deep but I'd like a professional to look at them" Scott says softly.

"Of course. Do they need to take him to the hospital for... examination" she asks carefully.

I flinch at that, I know what she means. "No..." I whisper. "He didn't. He just touched me..." I shiver in disgust, not wanting to imagine what he would have done. Yet, I know exactly how it would have felt. Memories kick in and tears spring from my eyes once again. I feel my legs giving out and Scott holds me uptight.

"Shh, Mitchy, I'm going to bring you back to our dressing room, right?! Just let me carry you" he says soothingly and looks over to the security woman again. "Can you send the paramedics and police to the Pentatonix dressing room? He should lie down!"

"Of course! The paramedics should be here any second and the police apparently just entered the building" she explains and turns to me afterwards. "Stay strong, Mitch, okay!"

I nod at her through teary eyes and let Scott scoop me up and carry me over to our dressing room bridal style. Someone holds the door open for us, I hear hushed voices talking. But my only focus is Scott. He lays me down on the couch and takes a box of tissues dabbing away the tears.

"Do you need anything? Water?"

"James..." I mumble.

I hear him sigh. "Look, Mitchy, he's in LA right now. But we will go back home as soon as possible, okay?"

I shake my head. I need him, right now! Only he can help me, knows how I feel. "No! I'll call him. Where's my phone? Give me, please, I need him!"

But Scott doesn't make a move to get my phone or his. "Wait, please. The paramedics are here and I need them to look at your wounds and the police wants to talk to you later on. But I set up a skype call with him for when we're back in the hotel, okay?"

I think about it and maybe he's right. I nod. "Okay, thank you, Scott!"

He smiles at me just as he would normally do. "Not for that, Mitchy. I'm leaving you with the paramedics now, okay? I need to make a few phone calls."

I want to protest but he shushes me. "Avi is right there, together with Esther. They will be watching you! You're not alone but the paramedics need to work!"

I nod reluctantly and let go of his hand. As soon as he's out of sight a paramedic kneels down beside me and smiles at me. "Hey, I'm Amber and this is my colleague, Gerard. We want to look at the wounds on your neck, alright? Just to make sure that everything's okay and there isn't an infection."

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