Chapter 20

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"What's wrong with him?"

I'm sitting on my bed holding James's hand. James is in some kind of limbo between being asleep and awake and it really does scare me. His fever had gone up, as well and right now we're waiting for the doctor to finish her examination.

"I assume he has an inflection, probably because of his wounds and his overall weak state. I'll inject him with penicillin now and he should be feeling better later today. I'll be taking a blood-sample to test and come back in the evening to give him the next shot. I'll also bring some other treatment for the wounds. But please make sure they stay nice and clean" she explains patiently. "Apart from that, just let him sleep. He needs to rest."

I nod to show her that I understood and kiss James's hand. "You'll be fine in no time and then I'll take you to see the city" I whisper when I see that he's looking at me.

The doctor gives him his penicillin shot and takes his blood before she packs up her stuff and Scott shows her the way out.

"M still tired" James's mumbles.

I smile. "Sleep, cutie. Let the meds work their magic."

He smiles back at me before closing his eyes again and finally falling asleep.

I exit the room, leaving the door open wide so he can call out if he needs something and go down into the kitchen where Alex is preparing breakfast.

"Morning, Allie..."

"Morning, Mitch. How is the little cutie?"

"Sleeping. He's got an infection and just had a penicillin injection. I told him to sleep and let the meds work" I answer and look over the counter to see what he's preparing.

"Just scrambled eggs with veggies and bacon on the side" Alex says promptly.

"That's delicious! At least if you don't burn them like Scott does..."

Alex laughs at this reminder from when Scott wanted to cook us a deluxe breakfast last week but ended up burning both bacon and eggs.

"Talking 'bout Scott - where is the noodle?"

"Starbucks run!"

"Oh great. Cause Mommy's got a craving."

Alex chuckles and shakes his head.

A few minutes later Scott is already back and hands out iced coffees. I take mine and a plate loaded with the delicious breakfast Alex has prepared and settle down at the dining table.

"Meat and Potatoes are coming over later. Kevin wants to see you" Scott mentions after a while of us quietly indulging in the food.

"Really? I'm looking forward. Why don't we call Kirstie and we have a little PTX- get together" I propose and regret directly after. They probably would want me to sing with them and I don't feel like doing so, right now.

"Kirstie doesn't have time today, unfortunately. And I've got stuff to do as well, sorry" Scott explains. "But we're doing something with the whole band, soon.

I'm relieved. So no singing today. Plus I can stay at home, take care of James and see my favourite rhythm section, meat and potatoes, again at the same time. And god, I have been yearning to see other people.


Two hours later I open the door for Kevin and Avi, who are bearing juice and champagne, alcohol free of course.

I hug both of them tightly and lead them into the living room.

"We didn't know if this is triggering" Kevin explains, holding up the alcohol free champagne. "We wanted to drink on you, you know, do something special, because it's been a while. But we brought juice as well, just to be on the safe side."

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