Chapter 25

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I wake up before James the morning after our heart to heart. I'm lying on my side, and have him behind me, spooning me. I love to be his little spoon, it is so comfortable. Nevertheless I have to get up, I need to go to the toilet.

Once I've finished my business there, I debate if I want to go back to bed but decide against it. I'm more than awake, anyway and I don't want to disturb his deep slumber. I take another look at him, he's so handsome, and leave the room. I grin to myself as I hear two familiar voices from the kitchen and smell pancakes.

I skip down the stairs and into the room where Scott and Alex are already preparing breakfast.

"Good Morning" I say cheerfully and climb up on one of the stools.

They both look up at me, Scott chuckles. "Good morning. I take it you and James had a good night?"

Alex raises his eyebrows at this comment but I just shake my head. "God Scott, we didn't! We didn't have sex last night. But we talked and I think that everything is going to be alright. He wrote a letter, explaining himself and his feelings and told me that he processed everything with writing it down. He gave me the manuscript and it's so beautifully written, although it has all those sad moments as well and I... god I love this perfect human being" I feel tears filling up my eyes and don't know why.

Scott rushes over to me as soon as ne notices and takes me in his arms. I let the tears fall free. I don't sob, I just need to relieve some of the overwhelming feelings I have.

"Mitch, what's wrong" Scott asks softly.

I just look up at him with a huge smile plastered on my face. "I'm just happy, that's all. James and I, we're good, we finished recording our album yesterday and it's just perfect." I wipe my cheeks dry with the sleeve of my sweater and take a deep, shaky breath.

I look over to Alex now, who is cooking the pancakes but glances over to us, nevertheless. Our eyes meet and I smile. "Thank you for being there for him. He wrote me that you two talked occasionally?"

Alex nodded. "Quite a lot actually. I like him very much as a friend. And I think that he really needed a friend. I mean, you've always been more to him, ever since he got here. You did everything for him, gave him all that he needed. I just talked to him and wanted to get to know him better. If that helped it's even better, because I enjoy his company a lot." He flips another pancake. "Talking about James, why don't you wake him up so we all can have breakfast together?! And if we're all free why don't we show him around town? Or is this something you want to do alone with him?"

"No! It's probably going to be a lot more fun if we're going out together!" I grin at my two best friends. "I'm getting him down here!"


The day we spend in the city together is one of the best we have together ever since we've been back from Chicago. We do all the touristy things and have a lot of fun while doing so. Seeing Alex and Scott being so in love and having that for myself is even better in reality than it was in my imagination all these years ago.

At the end of a long day we end up at the beach in a secluded corner and wait for the sun to set. Alex and Scott are sitting next to each other, cuddled up and whispering into each other's ears quietly and I'm settled in between James's legs leaning against him. He is leaning against a smooth rock which makes sitting more comfortable for him.

I take a sip from my cocktail, we each got ourselves one before searching for this spot. It's non-alcoholic, of course, in fact, none of us is drinking alcohol. Although I'm not triggered by one of my friends drinking I love that they respect my abstinence.

"Mitch?" James is whispering in my ear softly, causing goosebumps to form on my neck.


"Have you ever thought about us having... sex?"

At that I turn around to sit on his lap somewhat on my side to get a full look at James's bashful, yet serious face.

"Of course I have thought about making love to you" I answer, putting emphasis on the word change because it's important to me. "Or rather having you making love to me." I bite my lip at the thought of that and look up to him. "Why are you asking?"

"Because I've been thinking, Mitch and I'd really want to. If you are ready..."

Instead of answering I just nod and press a kiss on his lips.

He kisses me back immediately and it gets heated pretty fast until I'm able to stop. "We probably should do the romantic stuff first..." I insist and lean against him to watch the sunset that had just started. I look over to Scott who is just grinning at me knowingly.

I wink at him and resume enjoying my cocktail and the sunset.

After the sun had set it gets a little but chilly and we soon decide to call it a day and return home. Although we try not to show it, James and I are eager to get back into our bedroom once we're home. We make a little bit small talk with the other two but soon enough Scott announces that we should all just go to sleep. From the looks on his and Alex's face I'm almost sure that they won't be sleeping for a long time.

I shake my head and say my goodnights before grabbing James's hand and leading him into our room. Once the door is closed we start kissing each other softly but hungry for more.

In a matter of minutes our clothes are gone and we're lying on the bed with him hovering above me.

"You're beautiful, Mitch" he says softly, stroking my bangs away from my eyes.

I blush. It's not the first time that he said that but the added intimacy makes it more special.

"Make love to me, James" I simply say, leaning up to kiss his lips shortly.

And that's exactly what he does, what we do. He makes me feel so goddamn good, always making sure that I'm okay.

Afterwards our positions have changed. He's on his back with me being draped across his torso. We're just caressing each other softly, both not saying a word. It's a comfortable silence, I feel satisfied, obviously, but loved, too.

"I love you, Mitch!"

"I love you, James!"

We both whisper as we're falling asleep.


A/N: Fluffflufffluff ;)

There is going to be drama in the next (and probably last ) few chapters. However it is not going to be between James and Mitch. They're good. Like really really really good ;)

And can anyone tell me why I'm picturing Gus Kenworthy starring as James ? :D

Must be #gutch;)

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