"Well did it ever occur to some people in this world that not everyone has the same luck and opportunity of grabbing a phone and calling for help. What happens then if you get severely hurt and you cannot contact anyone? I can't call anyone if he takes my phone... Watch him!" my voice yelled and I held my breath as his hand smacked me near my eye. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I touched my eye because I felt the added pressure and swelling.

I was infuriated that he actually had the nerve to hit a girl and twisted his arm back and saw him grimace. I looked him dead in the eyes, "Rule number one Garrett, don't leave evidence that can't be hidden." I left and as I was walking away Garrett said, "Watch your back Cameron. If I were you I'd check the locks on your window and door."

"I'd watch your mouth Garrett. If I call the police and they see the evidence that you left, you'll be in a heap of trouble. Don't give me any other reason to have me get Hunter to harp on you about beating me up." I walked away leaving Garrett speechless like I wanted, and me crumbling on the inside with fear, which I didn't want.

I ran into Hunter later that day and he frowned, "what happened?"

"One of the girls got mad that I made varsity swimming and slapped me," I said biting my tongue as I lied straight up to him.

"Jeez that looks painful," he said kissing it and I repeated what I had told Garrett earlier, "I've had worse."

"Congratulations by the way," he said and caressed the bruise as I fought the urge to tell him what really happened. I thought of the pros and cons about telling him the truth. Pros, the truth is better, especially in a relationship. It'll get Garrett in trouble, which was my favorite reason. Hunter would protect me and maybe prevent it from happening again.

The cons, if Garrett was serious about me locking my doors and windows I would be encased inside my house due to fear. It would show that I had been unfaithful just now to Hunter. Garrett might really bail Brett out of jail, which was the worst fear ever and I hoped that wouldn't happen.

I decided the pros outweighed the cons somewhat and said, "Hunter?"

He looked at me with his adoring eyes that were a chocolate color and I felt like I was literally melting into them.

"If I was lying to you so I could protect both of us, would you hate me?" I spat out and avoided his gaze and then looked back up at him to see his reaction.

Hunter stopped and said with fury, "Did Garrett do that to you?"

I explained what actually had happened making sure not to leave a single detail out and Hunter grew angrier.

"Hunter please don't say anything."

"Cameron I won't let you live in fear."

"I'm not hiding in fear," I said and we both knew I was lying again.

"God I need to stop being such a compulsive liar!" I shouted inside.

"Then why can't I tell someone?" Hunter taunted, or at least that's how it sounded.

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