Part two- So Long and Goodnight

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I found him in the same spot as I am now. It was a day after I decided to run away. I packed a small backpack and just was currently walking to nowhere in particular. I had crossed this one bridge that was isolated that day. I saw him there, drunk, about to fall over. Something inside me told me to stop him from jumping over.
I talked him out of it, and I took him home. He broke down in front of me and told- no he pleaded me to stay just for that night, even though I had just met him that day. And I did, I felt as if I could relate to him. Also he seemed very lonely and broken at the moment.

I remember that night, he kept on holding onto me as if I was about to leave.
We were on his sofa for a soon a while and he fell asleep. I couldn't help myself either, I couldn't go anywhere not while him holding onto me.

He was the first one to wake and offered me some breakfast and accepted.
I left after, not wanting to overstay at his place.

That day was just aimlessly walking around and then settling in the town park.
I was starting to fall asleep on a park bench, but he found me in coincidence on his way to a quick stop to the liquor store.
He asked why I was about to sleep I a bench, at first I wasn't sure if I should tell him or not that I 'ran away' but eventually confessed to him. He kept on trying to convince me to stay his place. I kept refusing, but I gave up afrter a while and kept telling the cons of staying in the park.

I learned his name was Peter-or Pete-he was 21 years old -I was 17 at the time-, and he found his girlfriend cheated on him and that she broke up with him. He thought she loved her, but he was wrong. He even planned on getting married with her. He went through severe depression and to the point where he wanted to stop existing.

I've thought of suicide but I'd never actually try to attempt it. I mean yeah I cut, but not in the way to kill myself.

I remembered that we didn't sleep that night, we stayed up learning more about each other. I felt a connection with him, but it felt somewhat wrong. According to law I'm not not suppose to have a relationship with someone older than eighteen, but I'm not having a sexual relationship, so there's nothing wrong with it.

We just belong to each other, he could save me and I could save him, even if it sounded so cliché.
After month of me staying at his house, we started our relationship. It just seemed right, it wasn't like it was with Jimmy.

But one day he just disappeared. All he left behind was a note saying that he didn't need me and nothing ever happened to us.

He denied that we were ever anything, and that was painful to know.

I really thought that we could've been something more than a hidden relationship, but I guess that all we'll be.

This time there's no one to save me. I really did want to see the guys make it big, even though they don't. I feel like they have potential to make it big.

I guess this is the end of the line.

Funny thing though, this is the same place where Peter was suppose to jump. I wonder if anyone will stop me.
Probably not...
I wish it could've said one last good bye to all of my true friends.
I took one last breath

And jumped.

Not all stories have happy endings

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